Recent content by Dani_dots

  1. Dani_dots

    [FM21] PequenoGenio88 Skins

    That looks nice! Nice Work!
  2. Dani_dots

    DD2021RM v2.0 (Realism Mod) Now 1920x1080

    In this very site pal.
  3. Dani_dots

    DD2021RM v2.0 (Realism Mod) Now 1920x1080

    There is a DD2021ST that has the numerical attributes. Have a look.
  4. Dani_dots

    DD2021RM v2.0 (Realism Mod) Now 1920x1080

    Requesting a fix? Well Sir, you just need to calm down. The attributes look exactly how I wanted them and tbf its the first negative feedback that I have received so no change in the foreseeable future. You know that no one has paid for this right? For the amount of hours, effort, etc... I'll...
  5. Dani_dots

    DD2021RM v2.0 (Realism Mod) Now 1920x1080

    Dani_dots updated DD2021RM v1.0 (Realism Mod) with a new update entry: Now 1920x1080 to fit most screens! Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. Dani_dots

    DD2021ST v2.0 (Standard Edition)

    I am trying this. Thoughts? decreased the transparency from 90 to 25 to give more contrast to the letters.
  7. Dani_dots

    DD2021ST v2.0 (Standard Edition)

    You mean the header right? If so, it bothers me as well. I will try to decrease the transparency. Thanks for the feedback.
  8. Dani_dots

    DD2021ST v2.0 (Standard Edition)

    Its supposed to be that way otherwise you will have a very small player picture above. but I must have reached something better
  9. Dani_dots

    DD2021ST v2.0 (Standard Edition)

    If you are playing on Full Screen Mode the game will automatically take the screen you are using. If in Windowed Mode on preferences Advanced Tab, General.
  10. Dani_dots

    DD2021ST v2.0 (Standard Edition)

    That's odd. I know that the league table in some screens is off, specially during matches. Nothing to do with the skin itself but with the actual code. I will look into it.
  11. Dani_dots

    Skins - Team Names with six letters

    I am working on it atm. Although there is already a skin out there with the problem solved, it still comes with the accent colour that is awful for the design of the scoreboard.
  12. Dani_dots

    DD2021ST v2.0 (Standard Edition)

    This Skin is optimized for High Res Screens. What Resolution are you using? Post a Screenshot of the Panel along with info related to your Resolution and Screen Size. I thought that what I did on the v1.1 was enough as someone in this thread was using 1440x900 and 85% font size.
  13. Dani_dots

    DD2021ST v2.0 (Standard Edition)

    Thanks for the feedback. I will work on that with maybe a reorganized icon for the tactics in future versions. Its on my list!
  14. Dani_dots

    DD2021ST v2.0 (Standard Edition)

    tbf pal, I don't know exactly as I've using the same facepack for like 3 years. Maybe its time to upgrade! but I am sure that you can find some nice ones here!
  15. Dani_dots

    DD2021RM v2.0 (Realism Mod) Now 1920x1080

    Dani_dots updated DD2021RM v1.0 (Realism Mod) with a new update entry: DD2021RM v1.1 Read the rest of this update entry...