Recent content by dreamsover

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    Download EL TURCO - DOCTORE

    agacım antreman olayını napıyosun?
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    Vujevic tactics for FM 24!

    agacım antreman olayını ne yapıyorsun?Kullandığın bi taktik var mı ya da kullandığın bazı trickleri paylaşır mısın?
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    Vujevic tactics for FM 24!

    at the half of the season,all tactics stop working.What am i doing wrong?
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    Vujevic tactics for FM 24!

    İ have downloaded this tactic but i cant load because i cant see on my tactic screen
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    Tactics from around the world

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    Tactics from around the world

    this one
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    Tactics from around the world

    i think this is a cheat tactic because i won all match
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    Tactics from around the world

    i think this is a cheat tactic because i won all match 5 6 7 - 0 :D
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    Why,every tactic which i made stop working after 5 matches? Why,every teams against to me scores every match? Why,i have to lose all match? Why why why.I have been playing this game and other manager games for 21 years but really this year,I get tired of this strange game.Really enough !!!!
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    4-4-1-1 2MD / 3rd place with Aston Villa!

    tactic stopped to work.Can you give me any advice what can i do?
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    4-4-1-1 2MD / 3rd place with Aston Villa!

    i play with Bursaspor which is an underdog team at turkish super league.And i started to use your tactic than everything is perfect for me.Thank you very much
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    NewGAN Facepack

    still i cant open new gen there anyone who knows the solution?
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    NewGAN Facepack

    thank you very much for your help but i did everything what you said,still i cant open bro :(
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    NewGAN Facepack

    i deleted and re install again but newgen manager doesnt open :(( what happened i dont know
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    Match Divergence

    Because of all these crush dumps i hate this game anymore....