Recent content by eltigre22

  1. E

    Using Fmrte online help..

    A friend of mine and I play a 2 player online game, and have done for years over the various versions. I recently noticed on the 'Game Status' page that next to 'In-Game Editor Used' it says 'Yes'. Can someone confirm whether this 100% means that it's been used? Is there a way to see how? He...
  2. E

    In-Game Editor Used - YES (FMTRE too) - Online Game - Advice

    Hi, This is my first post, I apologise if i've broken any rules! A friend of mine and I play a 2 player online game, and have done for years over the various versions. I recently noticed on the 'Game Status' page that next to 'In-Game Editor Used' it says 'Yes'. Can someone confirm whether...