Recent content by emmyl19

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    Download DDarRkNeSs 4-2-3-1

    and training how i can use ?
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    Download DDarRkNeSs 4-2-3-1

    Hello! I played with your tactic with FCU Craiova 1948 froma Romania and I must say, the tactic is incredible. The media predicted we'd be 11th, but I finished the season with only two losses, and no transfers since our budget was zero. After winning the championship, I made a couple of tweaks...
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    help please

    in the 2014 game fm have the option to play games online with other players at same time. In 2015 I could not find this option. Did not find me there or not? Please help me! sorry for my english
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    Ligue 2 England - Portsmouth fc

    Hello !. I need a good tactic for Portsmouth FC . What do you recommend ? Thank you ! What players are recommended for this league . Possibly what attributes should I look?
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    filter for players

    someone knows a filter for players depending on the position and role on the team ?