Recent content by Feron

  1. F

    effect of your training (I don't mean attributes)

    you can train many tactical things that should have a short term effect for example as preparation for a specific match or the setpiece variations etc. etc. But when I hover over bars like the general "tactical familiarity" I cannot find any of these things. So, where can I check if my training...
  2. F

    make absolute numbers visible in Development/Attributes screen

    I am in the player profile/development and click on the tab "attributes" and to the right on "all time" so that it'd show me the absolute numbers next to the arrows like shown in many youtube videos or screen shots but thats not happening, there are no numbers, just the arrows. It's very...
  3. F

    what might be the reason for fit and well performing players to have nearly all of their attributes' arrows going down?

    I notice this occasionally and have absolutely no idea. They are happy and according to their "hearts" not fatigued. but could it be some kind of mental fatigue after many matches?
  4. F

    how do I send staff on coaching courses?

    The guides on the internet (for older game versions) have that option when you click on a staff member but I cannot find that anywhere in FM2022. Thanks for help