Recent content by FMandy

  1. F

    Marking and Closing Down

    hi fm-base My Question is what would be the best marking and closing down combination for my back four if im playing a high defensive line. i've tried a few combinations but cant get anything consistant. Not sure if i should use tight marking or not, man or zone, or weather 2 close dwn in own...
  2. F

    3rd Season AMR

    Hi fm-base, Im in my 3rd season with arsenal. Got 20m left in my budget and im looking for a good amr Anyone have any suggestions ?
  3. F

    Tactical Screen Graphics

    Hi Fm-Base, I just came across this great artical about the MOTD Formation Template here's the link Match of the Day Formation Template | Football Manager Tactical Newspaper My question is does anybody know how ,if possible, to put it into FootballManager so it works on your formation screen...
  4. F

    work permit problems

    hi, I've just signed a 19yr old brazilian striker. Problem is he's in my squad yet it say's he needs a work permit. Im confused. He got granted one to sign for me yet i cant play him because of this. Is there a way to fix it or is i a game bug?
  5. F

    Player PPM Help With New Star Regen

    Hi FMBASE fans. I've signed a regen with great stats, only 17 and is joining me in august on his 18th. The advice im looking for is what PPM's should i train this player in. Im not quite sure what would be the best PPM's if any to use. Below ive posted the player atttibutes, scout report and my...
  6. F

    Assistant Manager Needed

    Not sure if this is the right forum but ill as here anyway but im in my 3rd season as Arsenal and to my suprise Pat Rice retired out of the blue, Gutted. Has anyone found a good Assistant Mnager i could replace him with ??? High Shooting or Ball control stats would be ideal but not nessasary..
  7. F

    Aaron Ramsey - Best way to train

    As i understand it Ramsey has the highest potential in the game. Does anyone have any tips/guides on how to train him in game so he reaches this potential. For example which attributes should be focused on. Should you get a player to help train him. Best position's for him etc etc. Any advice...