Recent content by FMBlex

  1. FMBlex

    Need help for a Projet

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for people who know how to use FM editor very well for a project with the US Championship, PM me
  2. FMBlex

    The Brussels Revolution

    On Tuesday, July 10th 2018, Belgium was eliminated in the semi-final of the World Cup by fielding a team composed only of players playing outside of the Belgian league. After this defeat, Jean Van Passel a millionaire from Brussels decided to change that and to realize his dream "own a club...
  3. FMBlex

    Red Bull Paris

    After the success of RB Leipzig in the Bundesliga and RB Salzburg in Austria, the Red Bull managers start to look at France and buy the "Stade Briochin" for their slot in the french National as well as the "JA Drancy" for their infrastructures. Your adventure begins here, you are now the first...