Recent content by Gibboscfc0

  1. G

    Looking for network game to join :)

    Just looking for any league/network game to join please, good knowledge of football, and love a good laugh reply please x
  2. G

    Sunderland and struggling

    Im 10 games in with sunderland and struggling hard! i cant seem to get my tactics to suit the players, i have all original players, Can anyone link me to a good tactic/ training or give me some tips, Any will help <3
  3. G

    Shots on target on minimal? how can i change this

    Hello im in my first season with everton currently 2 games away from the start of the season, ive noticed ive bene having 15-20 shots a game but on target getting around 3-5 .. Is there anyway i can get this tally notched up to save me struggling against better opposition in the prem
  4. G

    Any network games i can join?

    Any games to join? good football knowledge, only played two short games but enjoyed them fully dont mind what teams
  5. G

    network game help

    Hello all, just wondering if anyone could link me a good tutorial for setting up a network game, Or explain to me how to, Thank you
  6. G

    Hello all, New to it all

    Hello everyone im new to FM-base and in all fairness Football manager, I got this a few weeks ago and really been playing hard with my team (stoke city) Any tips for newbie players to look out for? staff ect.. I currently started a new manager mode so yeah, :)