Recent content by hobermallow89

  1. H

    4-4-2 Kevin Keegan 21.2

    so far enjoying it, trying it out in scottish lower league.
  2. H


    can't seem to find the files! Maybe it's just me but the link only downloads a single fmf file
  3. H

    541 terminator - my tweak of lisa's FM 20.4(4-3-3)@Terminator@

    Losing almost every game with this tactic. Any suggestions?
  4. H

    FM 20.4 (4-2-4) @DIABLO@

    This tactic is amazing! So far just pre season friendly but still... :eek::eek::eek::eek:
  5. H

    4231 SS-WITCHER bring the wrath of GERALT

    Really enjoying your tactic, well done! Is it just me or are there too many fouls though? I seem to be getting a red card every second game. Usually my full backs.