Recent content by jdavies91

  1. J

    editor wont work =S

    hey guys i downloaded the editor for fm13 but everytime i open it seems to crash, does this happen to anyone else? can anyone help me with this?
  2. J

    creating b team

    hey im new to this site but ive been playing the fm games for the last 3 years, my current adventure is with a spanish team called badalona, ive been trying to create a new force in spain , and now im in extreme need of a "b team" for my hot prospects and reserves, but because badalona are from...
  3. J

    Creating a Bteam!!

    hey im new to this site but ive been playing the fm games for the last 3 years, my current adventure is with a spanish team called badalona, ive been trying to create a new force in spain :P, and now im in extreme need of a "b team" for my hot prospects and reserves, but because badalona are...