Recent content by Mataa98

  1. M

    Chairman Game - The Premier League Edition

    Is there any change in transfer rules or not? I mean number of fgn transfers and x3 value+ x3 wage?
  2. M

    Chairman Game - The Premier League Edition

    Man, wtf is this?? Summer tr. window 336M,spent only 10M for upgrades, and now 76M,and my manager also didnt made any big transfers
  3. M

    Chairman Game - The Premier League Edition

    What are you thinking about making transfer deadline tommorow, Sunday at 20:00?
  4. M

    Chairman Game - The Premier League Edition

    Man City for me but i think its better to lock top 6 teams like last year
  5. M

    Interest in a Chairman Game???

    Its not going like this. Plss wait for more info...
  6. M

    Interest in a Chairman Game???

    Of course, i'm more than interested. Later, if more people are interested we can speak about rules
  7. M

    FM19 saving problem.

    Hello,anyone has problem like me? I have bought offline version and when i want to save my game error comes on screen,so i cant save it on local disk,only on cloud. How can i fix this problem?oO)