Recent content by Matsudiro

  1. M

    Journeyman youtube series! (HSV)

    Hey guys I'm a growing youtuber and a die hard FM fan, I did a written story once on my time with Shanghai, Ipswitch and CSKA Moskow, this is my *new* one. I started the series with 9 years at Liverpool (undocumented) at which I won many trophies, too many I care to name, and also became a world...
  2. M

    A Journeyman Tale - Tales from around the Footballing World

    Current Year: 2024 Current Club: None Year Written to: 2019 HoF Stats: Nationality (Welsh) - 1st Score - 230 (Please note that my accomplishments at my first club: Shanghai Shenhua, are not recorded on the HoF, because of a computer issue where I backed up my save, but not my Hall of Fame...