Recent content by Mono

  1. M

    Steam Achivement : Best in the Business

    Just wandering if anyone can help I have won manager of the month 10 times in a row with celtic in FM challenge and the achivment hasn't unlcoked. Does anyone know how to get this achivement to unlock ?
  2. M

    New Club logo

    Can someone create a config file for the new coventry logo I have attached the image the ID for coventry is 639 i dont know how to right over the current coventry badge
  3. M

    Help with editing ?

    How to put a point diduction on a team in the data editor ? if anyone can help with this it will be appreciated.
  4. M

    Need players for nuneaton first season

    I need some suggetsions for players to sign in the BSN on patch 3.0 any suggestions would be appreciated :)
  5. M

    Why are my stadium seats black when team color is blue ?

    I have created a new team and a new stadium but when i start the season my stadium seats turn black but in pr season games they were blue does anyone no why this is ? help would be appreciated.
  6. M

    Need Help creating a new stadium

    I have created a new team but when i play games in my created stadium the seats go black when the team colors are blue ? can someone help me solve my problem please If anyone can help would be appreciated thank you
  7. M

    2D Kit Trouble

    Cant get the blue square north and south kits to show it will on show on a few of the teams for example Nuneaton but the remaining kits do not show and i have put the kits and config file in the kits folder inside the graphics folder but it does not work can someone tell me how to fix this ? If...
  8. M

    What team to be ?

    Want to be a team like Southampton in league 1 or championship can someone of a challenge for me?
  9. M

    How do you replace the southampton kit

    How do you replace the Southampton kit after the first season because it changes to plain red and white stripes after first season ?
  10. M

    How to stop the southampton kit gos after first season ?

    I need help on replacing the Southampton kit because it gos after first season due to it being the 125th year anniversary kit is there anyway to keep this as there kit or change it for another permanent kit on the game ? if anyone can help would be greatly appreciated :)
  11. M

    Where are the original kits ?

    Where are the original kits stored in football manager ?
  12. M

    Skin Request

    Is it possible if someone could make a Southampton skin or tell me how to make one please ?
  13. M

    Why does Steklo skin not work mac

    can some help me i cant get this skin to work on mac ? ---------- Post added at 05:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:01 AM ---------- dose steklo work on mac
  14. M

    What Skin is this ?

    Can some on send me a download link if they know what it is please thank you
  15. M

    Can someone create a guide for me to install a skin

    I need a step by step guide because i have tried putting the Steklo skin in the skin folder and it wont work so i really need help thank you I would appreciate the help