Recent content by RodasFCP

  1. R

    FM24 - Delicious Zone

    Can you share which training schedule you currently use? Thanks in advance
  2. R

    FM24 - Delicious Zone

    @DeliciousStory amazing work! your tactics are great, I always follow your videos very close. One question, on FM23 I was using zaz training schedule, which one you recommend this year?
  3. R

    #The Assembler FM23

    thanks for your answer, I usually use 4231 as main tactic but also like the 41212. which do you think is more effective on this human games? Thanks in advance
  4. R

    #The Assembler FM23

    @DeliciousStory would you use OP against 4231 Structura and against 442 bombyte? If yes which OP would you use? Using also 4231 Structura. Thanks in advance and well done for your videos specially the ones for Spaghetti League (y)
  5. R

    #The Assembler FM23

    I understand. But in terms of attributes which ones you give more importance to play in that position? I am in a long term save and I can develop young players to became good IWB
  6. R

    #The Assembler FM23

    Which attributes you give relevance to make a good IWB? I adapt sometimes DC to that position because I like to have good players defensively in that position, but not sure what's your preferences?
  7. R

    #The Assembler FM23

    But do you think 41212 Re-Cookie VI is superior to Suprema?
  8. R

    #The Assembler FM23

    @DeliciousStory when can we expect your league table to test 41212 Re-Cookie VI ? Curious to see if can beat Structura at the top. Thanks for the amazing work