Recent content by Silentoos

  1. S

    A thread going totally off topic! Brainstorming and some "real" tactic testing!

    It is good tactic, but keepers turn into prime Neuer when play against me hahaha
  2. S

    A thread going totally off topic! Brainstorming and some "real" tactic testing!

    Here is the version with CF Support first one with Step up more, and there is version Jamie said that is good too that im testing right now I can agree its very good CF Attack, with disabled step up more and enabled get stuck in. Also and Set piece Azurev3 works good with this tactic.
  3. S

    A thread going totally off topic! Brainstorming and some "real" tactic testing!

    Im testing it with many teams, can't lie tactic is good on instant results, when its played its alright but not good like on instant results.
  4. S

    A thread going totally off topic! Brainstorming and some "real" tactic testing!

    The guy sent it Vitoco on page 14 but okay, I will send it also
  5. S

    A thread going totally off topic! Brainstorming and some "real" tactic testing!

    This tactic is pretty good on holiday, this is first time I get top 4 with Brighton with many tactics tested, this one only worked out and it has insane wins and insane goal scoring games. Probably tactic would be even better when its played, without simulating it,
  6. S

    A thread going totally off topic! Brainstorming and some "real" tactic testing!

    Here bro and for the left IF Support - Mark specific position D(R) And for the right IF Support - Mark specific position D(L)
  7. S

    A thread going totally off topic! Brainstorming and some "real" tactic testing!

    So far best tactic for me I tested this year, alongside with this new match engine. I drop it down below match engine and tactic.
  8. S

    A thread going totally off topic! Brainstorming and some "real" tactic testing!

    If u downloaded game from Epic Games, go to C:/Program Files/Epic Games/Football Manager 24/data/ save ur original simatch.fmf in some folder, after that put this dude file he sent u simatch.fmf (u must rename it to simatch.fmf when u download file from this guy). If u have it from steam same...
  9. S

    Download EL TURCO - DOCTORE

    Is Cinderella best tactic right now for you or Saudade is still better? I tried Cinderella with this new Match Engine Asian Fushion doesnt perform well honestly. Didnt try tactic with holiday, only by playing and it doesnt perform that well.