Recent content by SuperXavi

  1. S

    4-4-2 in line, lot of shot, starting action by the defense?

    hello is there a very good tactic for FM13, last patch (so also tested whit the last patch), using a 4-4-2 in line (not winger)? maybe for a big team, that guaranteed a lot of shot in every match (>20 ?, near to 20?), starting action by the defense more offensive than defensive, but if it's...
  2. S

    Enlarge the central midfilders is possible? (in diamond)

    Hy, someone know how realize this moviment to the central midfilders 1) when the ball is in possession of the back wingers, the central midfilders should enlarge like in the screens [/URL] 2) then in offensive fase should be in that position and stay here stationary, no reach the end line and...
  3. S

    best 4-1-2-2-1? and one defensive-counter attack for little team?

    hy, which is the best 4-1-2-2-1 (4-5-1 whit wingers)? to score a lot (better if someone write the best 3-5 tactic so i can watch the relative thread) and which is the best defensive/counter attacck for little team or however a tactic to used whit twente in champions and do well? thanks bye
  4. S

    tactic for 12.0.4 for score a lot?

    Hy which is the tactic that allowed to score more in FM 12.0.4? whit a good team and picking the right man is there a tactic to score 5-6-7 gol on average? thanks The BetterHalf answer: "Please use the subforum. On Topic, I have not seen any tactic scoring that many goals in average , not in...
  5. S

    tactic for 12.0.4 for score a lot?

    Hy which is the tactic that allowed to score more in FM 12.0.4? whit a good team and picking the right man is there a tactic to score 5-6-7 gol on average? thanks
  6. S

    Tactic: 2-5-3 all in row

    Hi, sorry for my english i create this tactic from a mine 3-4-3, the screen are in italian but the instruction are in order GK in FM there is the problem that te GK pass whit the hand the ball to the lateral player making came shorter the lateral midfilder whit the transition from 3...
  7. S


    Hi, i'm Michele i can't speak english so...simply... Hello
  8. S

    3-4-3 ??

    Hi, i'm not english, sorry for my english. i would know if anyone has created a working 3-4-3 whit the attack in row and whit lateral midfilders and not whit wings. (basicly a normal 3-4-3) Anyone wanna try do it? bye