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4-1-4-1 Defend The Lead 2021-03-22

This is my first time uploading a tactic, so apologies in advance if there are any complications or anything unclear.

My first season with 1. FC Kaiserslautern in 3.Bundesliga I struggled to hold on to my leads and kill the game.

Since creating this tactic I have not conceded a single goal whilst using it the last 10-15 minutes. Usually I use my standard 4231 gegenpress tactic, and switch to this 4141 the last 10-15 minutes to defend my lead.

As with most tactics, the defensive wingers should play on their preferred side (Left wing - Left foot).
Preferably use players that suit the roles, but it is not a must. I have used multiple players that does not suit the roles, but I have still ended up not conceding.

I have only used this with 1. FC Kaiserslautern in the 3. Bundesliga, so I can't say for certain it would work for all teams.But if you do struggle to defend your leads, I reccommend you giving this tactic a chance!

Feel free to ask any questions, and apologies if anything is unclear, this is my first time uploading a tactic.
  • Tactic 4141.png
    Tactic 4141.png
    779 KB · Views: 639
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