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I've had a front three each scoring 45+ goals. It's a really dominant formation.
You need good WBs and MEZs. You can use WB (At) or CWB (At) instead of WB (Au). Also, you can use DM or BWM (Su) instead of the DLP (Su). And finally, you need AF, P, TM, or PF on Attack for the side strikers. The middle one can be either DLF (Su) or TM (Su). Haven't tried F9.
You need good WBs and MEZs. You can use WB (At) or CWB (At) instead of WB (Au). Also, you can use DM or BWM (Su) instead of the DLP (Su). And finally, you need AF, P, TM, or PF on Attack for the side strikers. The middle one can be either DLF (Su) or TM (Su). Haven't tried F9.