4 3 3 out of possession - 3 2 4 1 in possession
Sweeper keeper attaclk to come out and support in possession. Inverted full backs step stay back with central defender, libero steps into midfield alongside deep lying playmaker who dictates play. two mezzalas on support attacking halfspace but remaining slightly more disciplined, wingers keeping width attacking the box but with cut inside instruction to combine width with inverted attacking. advanced forward whos only real job is to score goals.
Tweaked from previous save- had one mezzala on attack, and deep lying playmaker on support. found game to be to open and risky.
Sweeper keeper attaclk to come out and support in possession. Inverted full backs step stay back with central defender, libero steps into midfield alongside deep lying playmaker who dictates play. two mezzalas on support attacking halfspace but remaining slightly more disciplined, wingers keeping width attacking the box but with cut inside instruction to combine width with inverted attacking. advanced forward whos only real job is to score goals.
Tweaked from previous save- had one mezzala on attack, and deep lying playmaker on support. found game to be to open and risky.