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Organized Chaos 4-1-2-3 20.2.3

Hi guys, this is my first post here in a long time.

I've tried dozens of tactics from different forums, but have never managed to settle down with any of them, as they either haven't been performing stable over time, haven't represented a style I like or haven't included a formation that fits the player types I want on my team.

The fact is that many of the best offensive players, often are IFs or IWs with dribbling skills, which have been my goal to implement successfully in my team, without compromising the defense.

After hours of tweaking, modification, trial and error, I finally feel that I have had success with a 4-1-2-3 formation where all positions are contributing offensively and defensively.

Skjermbilde (26).png Skjermbilde (27).png Skjermbilde (28).png

Some key points:

- The team plays with an offensive mentality, high intensity and with an idea to attack as often as possible with as many players as possible. That being said, they will still track back, as many of them have man-marking duties. Both BBMs are contributing in the offensive end, and succesfully picking up second balls. Ball possession is not an objective in itself, getting many ccc's are, which I have had success with.

- Both of my CDs are set to cover up, pushing less than the rest of the team to handle the ridiculously frustrating OP long balls.

- I adjust DL to lower when I meet teams that are on the same level (NOT NORMAL,, BUT LOWER), such as Liverpool, City etc (at home and away), and sometimes also away against less good teams, f.ex if they have a pacey striker. I also tend to adjust the DL to lower when I lead the matches to secure the lead.

- I very rarely adjust the mentality. Only in case of red cards. In general lowering the DL gives me more safety than a mentality change.

- It is IMPORTANT that AMR and AML man-marks opposite B or WB, and that LB and RB marks opposite AMR / AML or MR / ML. DM marks the opponent's OM or deepest S if opponent plays a flat 4-4-2 . All of my 3 losses this season came while I didn't change the man-marking from AMR/AML to MR/ML, and I dont think its coincidental.

As the screenshots will show, goals and assists are evenly distributed across the team. Admittedly I have a quite strong team,, and my United team won all the tournaments it participated in, even though my tactic wasn't fully tweaked satisfactory until January.

Skjermbilde (25).png Skjermbilde (17).png Skjermbilde (18).png Skjermbilde (19).png Skjermbilde (15).pngSkjermbilde (20).pngSkjermbilde (21).pngSkjermbilde (22).pngSkjermbilde (23).pngSkjermbilde (24).png

I haven't tried the tactic with any other teams yet, please give feedback if you try.
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