£100 million on Wilshere

No player is worth £100m on FM, there's always somebody better for much, much less.
sure you did'nt buy him for 100m if you did you been mugged off
He's very good, but no player is worth that much.
Straight answer. Not worth it. For £100m you could have brought about 10-20 young players who develop into World Class players. I bet Arsenal are laughing their head off.
This should be in the deal or no deal thread. Don't pay 100m for him. There's plenty or players as good as him for much cheaper.
I've got 5 regens 3 seasons on from your save, all of which I would say are better than your Wilshere (3 of which play in his position). None of them cost above 20 million euros... and if I sold any of them I'd be certain to make a hefty profit.

So yup, not at all worth it.
Jack is an awesome player, but no player is worth like 100m. and that 100m could have been spent more wisely in other areas.
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If you have 100mill to waste and already have all the best players then why not