‘Terrorism works’ Islamic preacher told students at UK University

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Jul 23, 2010
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London, June 7 (ANI): An Islamic preacher told his students that it was difficult to argue with the views of Osama bin Laden and said “terrorism works” during a speech at a university in London.

Abdur Raheem Green, a Muslim convert and former public schoolboy, said that a “permanent state of war exists between the people of Islam and the people who opposed Islam,” while addressing students at University College London (UCL).

He gave the speech to the university’s Islamic society while Umar Farouq Abdulmutallab, the Detroit bomber, was a student there in 2005, the Telegraph reports.

Referring to Osama in his 2005 UCL speech, Green, who claims he is not an extremist, said that it was difficult to argue with his views.

“His rational [sic] is, we are going to keep on killing your women and children until you stop killing our women and children. How do you argue with that?” said Green in his speech.
The other thing is that it seems that terrorism works. We certainly have precedent,” he added.

The disclosure follows a statement by Theresa May, the Home Secretary, in which she said there had been “complacency” by universities about Islamic extremism.

Qasim Rafiq, a spokesman for the Federation of Student Islamic Societies, invited Green to speak at UCL along with two speakers from the extremist group Hizb ut-Tahrir and another who has supported the Taliban.

Since then, Green has been invited to give lectures at London University’s School of Oriental and African Studies, Queen Mary and Bart’s and at UCL.

A spokesman for UCL said the inquiry had been aware of the speech but added that according to the law that cannot operate a ‘no platform’ policy in relation to speakers with controversial, distasteful or even repugnant views. (ANI)


“His rational [sic] is, we are going to keep on killing your women and children until you stop killing our women and children. How do you argue with that?”

You started it :(
kind of has a point, terrorism has been around for the longest time, the faces change, but the same general message remains the same
I'd walk out and write a serious complaint letter to the university if I was going there. I don't care if your views and/or beliefs are different than mine, if you don't want something happened to you, don't do it to someone else.
he is right in a sense. We are fighting a never ending war against Terrorism. All we can hope to do is weaken them enough so that they can't pose as much of a threat as they do currently
I'd walk out and write a serious complaint letter to the university if I was going there. I don't care if your views and/or beliefs are different than mine, if you don't want something happened to you, don't do it to someone else.

think you've missed the point of what he said. hasnt advocated terrorism at all

---------- Post added at 08:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:50 PM ----------

he is right in a sense. We are fighting a never ending war against Terrorism. All we can hope to do is weaken them enough so that they can't pose as much of a threat as they do currently

even then another type emerges. Red brigade, then IRA, then Al Qaida, then someone else
kind of has a point, terrorism has been around for the longest time, the faces change, but the same general message remains the same

He has a point that it can be effective. Surely the model of his rationale breaks down at the point where a country refuses to give in, though? I wouldn't call 7/7 effective from the terrorist's point of views.
He has a point that it can be effective. Surely the model of his rationale breaks down at the point where a country refuses to give in, though? I wouldn't call 7/7 effective from the terrorist's point of views.

in a single event no, but look at the what the long term effect the whole thing is having,
in a single event no, but look at the what the long term effect the whole thing is having,

They provoke us, which causes us to retaliate which just provokes them further which leads to them further attacking us. It's just an infinitely recurring cycle until someone wins, since neither side is willing to give in. Hence why it breaks down once someone doesn't behave as the terrorists would like. And given the fact there's many more people in the UK, US armies etc. with far better equipment and resources, with advancing technology rates - If there's a winner, surely it's more likely to be us. So it's still not really 'successful'. I'd class a success as being Spain pulling out of Iraq after the Madrid bombings, the UK and US aren't going to give in to any terrorist threat soon, so it's just needless, unjustified irrational violence by religious extremists.
They provoke us, which causes us to retaliate which just provokes them further which leads to them further attacking us. It's just an infinitely recurring cycle until someone wins, since neither side is willing to give in. Hence why it breaks down once someone doesn't behave as the terrorists would like. And given the fact there's many more people in the UK, US armies etc. with far better equipment and resources, with advancing technology rates - If there's a winner, surely it's more likely to be us. So it's still not really 'successful'. I'd class a success as being Spain pulling out of Iraq after the Madrid bombings, the UK and US aren't going to give in to any terrorist threat soon, so it's just needless, unjustified irrational violence by religious extremists.

thats why i say in some ways its effective.
Look out people, I'm having a rant...again. Sorry but this really ****** me off intently.

Interesting view, from a complete and utter moron. So lets see, on September 11th this happened:

YouTube - ‪September 11th Tribute Video‬‏

And after reading what he said, it's perfectly fine to kill innocent people from the US, Uk, Holland...pretty much from anywhere. Who had no involvement in any war in the world? O silly, silly me. I forgot, they were. They're inolved in the permanent war between Islam and the people who opposed Islam". Of course, they were totally involved in the military operations that went wrong, in which civilians were tragically killed by accident. Of course, they were involved in wars against Islam weren't they. Just like the innocent people who were killed in 7/7.
But what I find extremely infuriating, insulting amongst other things, is the fact, that this complete piece of human excrement, is allowed to spill his bile. Against people, who are allowing it to live in western culture, in which we adjusted, to allow pieces of complete **** like him, to live. And we are letting Taliban supporters live in this country? Am I missing something? Am I completely stupid? Is this what soldiers died for, all around the world, in World War 2, to allow this ******* to spout off his complete and utter BS, to weak minded people, who will follow what he says like sheep?
I want to get one dam thing straight. He is supporting terrorisism, he is promoting terrorirism. Yes, innocent people have died in conflicts. It happens. It's nearly impossible to prevent it from happening. No one likes to see it happen, I sure as **** don't. But we do not go out of our way to make it happen. If anyone says we do, they are complete and utter retards and need psycological help. But here's the thing ok. The wars that have happened, or are happening that we are involved in/were involved in, were for the best intentions, and in some cases, we were asked to help. Like Bin Laden. He had to die, and thankfully, thanks to some bullets, he's in **** right now along with previous sadistic rulers. I would've preferred him to die a slow, agonising death, but hey. Beggars can't be choosers.
Terrorism is mass murder. The IRA did it, Al Qeada did, as did numerous other sub-human species of organisations. And I can guarantee you one thing as well-he will be happy to see another 9/11 atrocity. The only hope I have, is the wiser, more intelligent clerics can shut this guy up, and properly educate the vulnerable, that terrorism does not work. America is not the enemy of Islam. The west is not an enemy of Islam. The real enemy of Islam, are the people who are fanning the flames of war between Islam and the west and other nations. The sooner this guy, and people like him are permantly silenced, the better. It's time the law changed so people like this never, ever have a platform in a human world ever again.
thats why i say in some ways its effective.

We're capable of killing far more than they can to us though. So it can be effective, in special circumstances. It's a horribly inefficient way of doing things though, diplomacy could have gotten them so much further in this time. Which is why I just think their rationale fails from every angle.

Also, do you think this would be newsworthy if it wasn't a muslim that had said it?

---------- Post added at 09:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 PM ----------

Liking just for the epic rant. :)
We're capable of killing far more than they can to us though. So it can be effective, in special circumstances. It's a horribly inefficient way of doing things though, diplomacy could have gotten them so much further in this time. Which is why I just think their rationale fails from every angle.

Also, do you think this would be newsworthy if it wasn't a muslim that had said it?

---------- Post added at 09:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 PM ----------

Liking just for the epic rant. :)

lol. Just find it incredulous, that people are allowed to get away with saying this stuff. Some of the stuff I've read, even on facebook etc, saying that attrocities were necessary to send a message to the world.....just incredible. They're not necessary at all. No justification whatsoever. When the **** will different cultures just accept once and for all, there's just no need for it whatsoever. For christ sake just get along. But I know one thing, I can't see it happening in my lifetime. And I'm only 36
We're capable of killing far more than they can to us though. So it can be effective, in special circumstances. It's a horribly inefficient way of doing things though, diplomacy could have gotten them so much further in this time. Which is why I just think their rationale fails from every angle.

Also, do you think this would be newsworthy if it wasn't a muslim that had said it?

---------- Post added at 09:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 PM ----------

Liking just for the epic rant. :)

nope, and i expect it to be portrayed in a terrible light in the mail. Terrorists arent particularly rational, thats why they take these steps
lol. Just find it incredulous, that people are allowed to get away with saying this stuff. Some of the stuff I've read, even on facebook etc, saying that attrocities were necessary to send a message to the world.....just incredible. They're not necessary at all. No justification whatsoever. When the **** will different cultures just accept once and for all, there's just no need for it whatsoever. For christ sake just get along. But I know one thing, I can't see it happening in my lifetime. And I'm only 36

Yeah, it's very annoying. A slippery slope when we start saying what can and can't be said though. Would be interesting to see the reaction if someone said that killings in Islam are okay for the same justifications being used here, though.
“His rational [sic] is, we are going to keep on killing your women and children until you stop killing our women and children. How do you argue with that?”

You started it :(

Who started it is pretty muddled these days.

In my opinion, if we don't go isolationist, which in my opinion would be cheaper and safer for us, I'd rather have us dish out some serious punishment. Turn the Middle East into a big glass crater, create a nuclear winter and stop global warming. Then set up sausage stalls in the burning ruins of Mecca.

YouTube - ‪S.O.D. - **** the Middle East‬‏

Last edited:
Who started it is pretty muddled these days.

In my opinion, if we don't go isolationist, which in my opinion would be cheaper and safer for us, I'd rather have us dish out some serious punishment. Turn the Middle East into a big glass crater, create a nuclear winter and stop global warming. Then set up sausage stalls in the burning ruins of Mecca.

YouTube - ‪S.O.D. - **** the Middle East‬‏

Chaz for prime minister. ;)
Who started it is pretty muddled these days.

In my opinion, if we don't go isolationist, which in my opinion would be cheaper and safer for us, I'd rather have us dish out some serious punishment. Turn the Middle East into a big glass crater, create a nuclear winter and stop global warming. Then set up sausage stalls in the burning ruins of Mecca.

YouTube - ‪S.O.D. - **** the Middle East‬‏

WikiLeaks: 1 in 3 British Muslim students back killing for Islam, 40% want Sharia law | Mail Online

You need to run for government
You need to run for government

Even just him becoming an MP and raising the point of making the middle east a nuclear wasteland, to see the look on Caroline Lucas' face would be worth it.