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Igor Pinto

Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
Please close this and ban expel me or ban forever on this site, i don´t wanna have a count in were anymore.
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Ins't this The Tinkerman's 4231 tactic that I posted today in the Hidden Gems thread?
Pretty immature to name a footballing tactic "rape" in my opinion.

Is a pun , T -Bag from Prison Break the raper, and the tactic results show this connection to the character T -BAG

Try and you´ll understand.

Did I say that 'T-bag' was immature? I don't think so. I said that 'rape' was immature.

I mean seriously how does this tactic show a resemblance to a character named "T-bag", who's a rapist? And even if you think it does, I'm just saying that it's pretty immature and stupid and weird to name the tactic something with 'rape'.

The reasons this got to my nerves, is just that stuff like this, is all around forums like this. And it's stupid. I may be overreacting, but it just gets too much to see everybody calling great tactic or a good result a rape. It's immature and honestly pretty ******* weird.

Try and you'll understand.
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Guys, this tactic is an exact copy from Tinkerman's tactic, posted here: Best FM 2015 Tactics: Tinkerman's Fantastic 4-2-3-1 • FM Stories

also posted here:

All the team, player and even set pieces instructions are the exact same!

Not the first time someone steal Tinkerman tactics and post somewhere else, I have also seen his 41212 diamond posted by some dude on CM Portugal claiming the tactic was his.

Some moderator should close this thread.
I spent hour days to create this tactic , I have been aprefeiçoar been going on since the release of last pacth , tested in more than six leagues and 15 clubs before placing here, and come defame my tactic ? now understand why it's so hard to have respect in this forum , and continues to be overated tactics as TFF or Christian Eriksen , many tactics and no good ones , I will not tolerate it , I thank those who made ​​donwload and enjoy because I am even , I'll take everything, and ask a moderator to close this topic , if you knew that this worked well , had never lost time to provide my creation ! I do not know who the tinkerman or whatever it is, if the tactic is similar or equal is not my fault , now enjoy with my time and dedication does not tolerate is the last time I comment share or use this site , I thank the moderators to expel me because not want to have account here !
overated tactics as TFF or Christian Eriksen
Can't stop laughing when reading that part of the rant - cool story bro, now go read through the threads of the ppl you claim to make no good tactics, oh I forgot you don't want to be on this forum anymore - One advice on that, and it dosn't even need mods - just stop loggin in ;)
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