2 questions about online game

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Jul 15, 2012
Reaction score

I have 2 questions regarding the online game this time:

1. How does an online game session actually function when I start one?
I mean, I always played the offline version of the game, and started an online one just out of curiousity once, but I haven't experienced any significant difference, it starts and runs the very same way to the normal, offline gameplay, except the possibility of other registered players joining my created game, which is actually a server if I guessed it right.
My private game server, which I started, right?
Now my 1st question is, what happens, how will the game run if someone joins that server of mine?
Must all players be online in order for the game tp run at all?
Will we always have to wait for other player's turn to be completed before the game advances further in time? (for example while he/she playes/watches his/her matches)
What happens when the joined player goes offline, (leaves the game), and what happens when he/she isnt online when I start the server again? Will the game just stop then, and I will be forced to end it too?
Or is there a time limit for each "turn" regardless if the other player is online or not?
And how long will that delay be then? Can I set or determine its duration or time period?

2. Player/staff exporting/importing:
Is it possible to export my current team (players and staff) from an offline game into an online one, after its very start?
If so, how is it supposed to be done?
I mean, in my offline game session I created a club named Crumpley with the Editor, the weakest one in English Vanarama Conference South, in order to the competition to have 22 clubs just like in Conference North.
By default I had no single players bought/signed yet there, so when I start an onoline game, I wish to avoid searching/finding/signing all my current players all over again. (it took a **** of time until I managed that)
Is this possible by somehow exporting my team and staff, (which I normally significantly improved too), from my offline game session, and import them into the freach started online game?
I already noticed that Crumpley as a team will be available to choose there too, but as I said, i wish to have its complete current players and staff too....so is that possible, and if so, how? With one of the 3 editors maybe?
Can I maybe edit my fresh Online Saved Game data file, (until no one joins it yet), by importing my ofline team and staff into it?
Or am I supposed to do all the exporting/importing in the Editor before I even start an Online Game career?

If so, how?
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