4-4-2 Attacking- incredible results!!! works really well with 14.3


Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
I have been playing with this formation since FM 2007 and it has never failed me so far. Due to the new tactic feature in FM 14 my tactics were not working properly. However, after playing a couple of seasons with various teams finally tweaked it and here you go my flawless tactic.

Caliber of players you need in the team:

In overall you need to use players who are rather taller and stronger. Basically physically well developed players will help you succeed. However, I tried my wingers who are a bit more weaker they also do work but then you will need a defensive wing-back in order to cover him up and support the attacks but they rarely attack themselves.

6 weeks of pre-season: 4 weeks of team cohesion, 2 weeks of Fitness (VERY HIGH INTENSITY)
During season: Fitness (average)
Rest: Allow before and after the match

Match Preparation:
Pre-season: Tactics only or Teamwork (depending on your team chemistry)
During Season: Attacking Movement (However if you want to use Attacking mentality with this tactic, then you need to change the focus to Attacking Set-Pieces as your team will already be attacking you can make it even better by teaching the lads to attack even more from the set pieces)


Mentality: Although I preferred a Attacking mentality in the previous versions, due to the change in tactics feature I had to use a Standard approach in order to get results. However, if your team is behind and need goals, you can apply the attacking mentality.
Fluidity: This is a tactic where you can only get results if you play in a very fluid system. Tactic works for the best if the entire team is attacking all together and defending all together. However, because of the fact that there is a target man and creativity rating is high, you can expect to have counter attacks as well as patiently built attacks

You might ask why there are so many team instructions as it is harder for players to understand the tactic. I have to say all of them are checked for a certain reason and I do not advise you to change any of them as you might not be able to get good results. All of them are necessary in order to team to succeed and when you see it you'll quickly get what I mean ;)


Goalkeeper (Defend): You can decide whether you want to use sweeper keeper or goalkeeper it depends on the attributes of your keeper. If you have a rather smaller and a pacey keeper with high rushing out attributes such as Victor Valdes, you can use sweeper keeper. But for tall strong but rather slow goalkeepers you should just use standard goalkeeper.

Center-Backs (Stopper): I use center backs with high strength (16+) and high height (187cm+) backed up high heading, tackling and marking. Heading especially is a really important attribute in this case because the roles of the center back players is stopper so they tend to go a bit more up on the pitch then regular defenders in order to cut down the attacks even before they start. Therefore also I would say pace and acceleration are also important for these players since they have to be pretty fast to get to the ball before the opposition. I use players like cassasola, zouma, doria, nastasic, jose gimenez (although he is shorter he plays pretty well in this position), eric dier, balanta and so on. Also it is important to teach the defenders to mark tightly as they are set in tight marking attribute in the tactics.
(PS: It might take a while before your defenders adapt to the stopper role so give it a while. Also, I gotta say even if you are the best team and your players adapted to the tactic they might still lose forwards as they pressure higher than the regular defensive line.)

Wing-backs (Automatic) : They chase the opposition wingers as well as attacking midfielders. Also, when attacking they overlap or support the wingers. So using players with high pace (15+) and decent defending and attacking abilities (13+) would be ideal. I tried Rojo, Insua and Jonathan Silva they are good when you are defending but pretty poor when attacking. However, using these defensive wing-backs can help you defend a little bit better. So I advise you to use defensive wing-backs if you are conceding too many goals. However, if you would rather attack, I use players like Alex Telles, Haidara, Santon, De Siciglio, Luke Shaw, Montoya and so on. In addition, you have to teach these players 'not to dive in tackles' as they tend to lose the player they mark and cause devastation to your defenders and goalie.

Ball winning midfielder (Support):
As most of the team is either supporting the attacks or attacking themselves in order to give some balance to the midfield I am using a ball winning midfielder. You need a player like Wanyama, Sandro, Goulavogui, Tiote and so on. In addition, this player needs to have high heading attribute so that he can challenge opposition midfielders on air balls.

Advanced Playmaker (Support): This guy is one of the most important players in your squad in this tactic. As if he is not doing what he needs to do the tactic will fail. I am not saying the entire tactic depends on this guy, but if you want to get good results he is essential. He asks for the ball from team mates when they are under pressure, makes himself available when your team is under pressure and creates chances and when attacking he stays right on the edge of the box so if any attack fails and ball is on his preferred feet he shoot long shots or passes to an available winger or forward. I use players like rafinha (he is the best one i tried so far 7.50+ average in 5 seasons 85 percent passing rate although only 12 goals in 5 seasons) , herrera, obiang, curro, cabaye, wilshere, ramsey and so on. They definitely have to have a high teamwork and work rate abilities as well as stamina.

Winger(s) (Attack): They do exactly what is needed from them as described in the player role in the game itself. However, due to high creativity, they tend to roam around a bit sometimes plays like an attacking midfielder and uses the wing-backs for crosses. Also, when the advanced forward moves to the channel for a cross they go in the penalty box in order to create chances for themselves or ease up the marking load on the Target man. I use players such as Ocampos, Lamela, Sarabia, Douglas Costa, Shaw, Candreva and so on.
PS: Players like Ocampos, Lamela and Shaw who has high balance and physical attributes plays much much better compared to other wingers. So physicality is actually pretty important but again Sarabia got an average of 7.88 with more than 25 assists and 10+ goals in a season so it is just an observation.

Target Man (Attack): After the playmaker the 2nd most important member of your squad. Definitely needs all the attributes of an attacking target man but since he is attacking his teamwork attribute is not that important. He heads the balls to the goal or to his teammates if any available in the open. He shoots long shots time to time. You definitely have to teach him Shoot With Power, Tries First Time Shots and Plays With Back to Goal as these special abilities come in handy during the games. He scores more than any other team member since he pulls the strings in the attacks and the fact that a lot of corners are headed towards his direction. Height should be 190cm+. I use players like Rescaldani, Drogba, Cornelius, Llorente and so on. However, I advise you specifically to use Alberto Cerri for this position as I have not seen anyone better than him in this game. The player scored 32 goals in 26 appearances and the season before that 31 goals in 30 games. In addition to 20 assits and 11 MoM.

Advanced Playmaker (Attack): Although most of the goals are scored by the Target Man, this player tends to finish the balls that bounces off the keeper. Chases the ball down the field. Look for mistakes that opponent defender does and tries to get the ball every chance he has in a sneaky way. On top of all he also moves into channels and crosses the ball for the target man. I use players like Richairo Zivkovic, Diego Costa, Leo, Maupay, Burak Yilmaz and so on. As you get the gist of the player calibre, he needs to be fast, strong and tall. You can see this guy as a secondary striker but when the strength of the Target Man fails this guy's pace comes in handy. Also due to high flair rating he tends to do wonders when your team is behind and needs goals behind that net!

As for tips: I have been playing the game for around 15 years now and I have been using this tactic for so long so I thought I could give you guys some advice on squad building for this specific tactic.

Use players with high physical attributes STRENGTH, PACE and HEIGHT is a necessity for this tactic!!!

Do not buy too many players for the first team in your first season

Look to get young players to develop into the squad consistency is one of the key elements for this tactic

Change your technical staff and try to get at least 4 stars from coaches in their specialty training area

Use players who have the same nationality as your league or players who are able to speak the language of the transferred country basically get yourself some local players they will perform much better than the foreign players (For Spanish leagues you can use South American players as well as local players as they tend to blend in as quickly as a local player)!

Make your pitch size largest possible!

Choose your captain among defenders or the goalkeeper!

Get yourself a good assistant manager with high motivation, tactical knowledge and judging player ability. I do my own team talks, trainings and offers for other players but I let my assistant do the opposition instructions and press talks. So please do let me know if you have a good hint on opposition instructions as I have never tried setting them myself

Also I rarely go on forums or check other people's tactics (this year was the first as I struggled a lot in the beginning with tactics) or their shortlist as the fun of this game is experiencing and doing most of the work on your own :) If you would like to exchange shorlists (mine is 400+ players) please do let me know!

You can look at the images attached if you would like to see some results, for analyzing the formation and see the calibre of players I used in this tactic. Let me know if you have any problems as I have only used this tactic in Italian, English, Spanish, French, German and Turkish leagues, I don't know how it will impact on other leagues.

Have fun and please do give me some feedback as I think this is a tactic that suits all teams since I used this tactic I haven't failed with any team (and I made Goztepe champions league champion, Valladolid UEFA cup champion and Sevilla 7 league titles in 8 seasons as well as 5 champions league champions). Thanks for reading :)

PS: I have not used this tactic in my first two seasons with Atletico so I rather had poor results no judging :)
I am finishing this season in about an hour or so I ll post Cerri's final rating. I have been playing for so long but never be able to get smt like this out of a player even I am surprised
Here are the results of my final season. Cerri is a player I haven't seen in this game before definitely worth a try! 8.29 season rating is something that I haven't seen even with Messi before. As for player list (you should definitely check my current squad for BBVA) here are a couple of players (But don't forget that local players are always better to buy so consider that before you buy any of these players):

Goalkeeper: Courtois*, Stegen, Leno, Koval, Jan Oblak*, Casteels, De Gea*, Victor Valdes, Lloris, Krul and Sirigu
Defenders: Doria, Casasola*, Nastasic*, Jose Gimenez, Zouma*, Umtiti*, Balanta*, Jedvaj*, Marcos Rojo*, Jedvaj*, Matthias Ginter, Laporte
Ball winning midfielder: Sandro, Wanyama*, Lucas Romero*, Pugliese*, Crisetig*, Leroy Fer, Xhaka, Jorge Enriquez, Tiote, Diego Reyes*, Kondogbia, Milivojevic, Lucas Romeu*, Romelu *
Advanced Playmaker: Rafinha*, Ander Herrera*, Pogba, Marchisio, Pirlo, Veratti*, Kovacic*, Nick Powell, Sergi Roberto, Clement Grenier, Clasie*, Sebastian Rode, Zelalem, Goretzka*
Wingers: Ocampos*, Angel Correa*, Lamela*, Luke Shaw*, Vitinho, Saponara, Sarabia*, Markovic, Donyoh, Julian Brandt, Carlinhos*, Douglas Costa, Shaarawy, Shaqiri*
Target Man: Cornelius, Drogba, Alberto Cerri*, Rescaldani, Mandzukic, Mitrovic, Libor Kozak, Artur Sobiech, Arka. Milik, Castaignos, Apostolos Vellios
Advanced Forward: Diego Costa, Leo(Atletico), Richairo Zivkovic*, Duvan Zapata, Carlos Fierro, Vincent Aboubakar, Gabriel Barbosa*, Saido Berahimo*, Thievy*

I hope this ll do players marked with stars are ideally one of the best ones for those positions
Hi man im at work at mo but stuck tis tatic into new game with HULL. I made a curtis davies captian and made no transfers so far. if i was it would have been loan back to team. I will upload screenshots later when i get half way trow the season.
Arsenel 0-1 Hull ---- they were all over me but they couldent get a good proper shot on me but we got a great chance for goal and we took it.
Hull 2-0 Man Utd ---- again they were all over me at the start but mid way trow the fist half we were the best team
carling cup game 3-0 win for hull
Newcastle 3-0 hull they were all over me had no chance
the saints 0-1 hull it was a good win
hull 3-1 swansea we went 1-0 down but we were all over them from then on

so all in all very good things happening at moment and its good to watch
good to know man keep me updated if anyone tried with any other team or league I am currently trying it out with napoli I won against PSG 3-0 and Juve 4-0
also would a Complete Forward be good instead of a Target man? very good TM are hard to find these days ;)
Not very good results here. It's fully fluid. Defense gives up a LOT of good chances to the opposition. I've played 10 games with it and have not even come close to a clean sheet yet. Lots of wide open looks at goal for the other team, and not many good attacks from my team. Tied with Liverpool, but lose and tie to teams I should easily be beating in every other game. Another tactic that looks like it works great for big teams (like Atletico you tested with), but not for any team below the very top tier.

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well I tried it with F9, Complete forward, Advanced forward, Poacher, Deep Lying Forward but none of them worked as well as this. However in my old tactic i used an Advanced Forward and set him as Target Man in the sliders and set the passing to feet. However, since this version sliders are gone and this tactic definitely needs a target man up front. Maybe instead a treq. would be better?
GobBluthJD a player was getting pretty good results with Hull City though and not only atletico I tried it with many many teams including Valladolid and on the second season I qualified for UEFA became 5th in the league and all. Yes with this tactic you might concede from wide open looks I am aware of that but that I would say is the only fault in this tactic. Looking at what I wrote previously, you can try out defensive wingers with higher tackling and marking. Also check the height of your defenders that is pretty important