5+CCC per game introducing the AMAZING 3151 false counter

5+ CCC per game introducing the AMAZING 3151 false counter #plug n play

Guys, always annoyed by poxy and cheesy goals being conceded especially early or late in games, this annoyance inspired me to create this MASTERPIECE, the tactic originated from my previous upload which although the results were fantastic taking Vauxhall motors to the prem and even winning it, the tactic started leaking goals in the third season in the prem which I can?t explain considering it was unchanged for 6+ seasons to suddenly go from conceding around 20 goals per season to up near 30 at the 20 game mark!!!. Back to the drawing board I went to research first and then testing. From last year?s game tactics were all about possession but what if could tell you about a tactic that will provide 5+ CCC and buckets of half chances on top with an average of 35% possession, that?s right I couldn?t believe my eyes. Right then lets get started shall we!!!
The tactic:

As you can see the tactic is strangely shaped with NO ST which may put a few of the players off, don?t let it the player in this position will score buckets and any decent striker will be able to play this role well. GK as standard giving the ball to defenders, the three CBs perform very well with high ratings and the wider of the two will even pop up with assists. The CDM will be the anchor, allways open for a pass, the wide men run all day with or without the ball, the tree CMs pack the midfield so tight that the only option for the opposition is to play it back which is the reason for the opposition getting high possession % all ball not penetration!!! The SS acts as a striker from deep receiving the ball simple passes into the mid support or turn and run at the defence, the one-two is so effective with this tactic, the give and go from the SS is where the majority of the CCCs come from.

The reason for overload is due to the deep D-line ensuring that the defence pushes out quickly and the break is always on, the pace in the attacks is scary even with short passing the ball is moved so quick that the opposition lose their shape very quickly, the reason for the tactic being very rigid is more for the defensive priority, the players will remain in their shape apart from the wingers and the SS who I will talk about further down on player roles.
I?ll talk about the player roles down below but just as a note all the players have specific instructions which ensure that the tactic is truly plug n play.
Firstly is the stats from a few games from the Vauxhall save I mentioned.
First is the A.C. milan over two legs the frist of which I dominated and scraped away with a win but the AWAY GOAL!!!! The tactic is more about how many you can score rather worrying about trivial things like the opposition.
As you can see with the second leg we were even better than the first leg and both of their goals came from penalties which is annoying but we never looked like losing this one or any game for that matter.
The final game is from the league cup final against norwich, I thought they had a good chance due to them being a bogey team of sorts due to their strikeforce of delfounso and harry kane who are both monsters on the game being england?s strike force as well but as u can see they were kept relatively quiet and I just smashed them to pieces, it is worth noting that norwich were a point behind men in third going into this game.
A key note of the tactic is the role of the wingers, they are hopefully set to man mark their opposing winger which negates the need for a fullback, if the tactic once downloaded doesn?t come with this setting checked and only way to do so is within the game then just simply set the wingers to mark their opposite winger as shown in the diagram and save the tactic on the pre game or mid game tactic screen, once the game has finished reload the tactic which was saved and TAH DAH the wingers will always wark their opposite number without the need to do so every game like I was for a time.

Only negative of this is if a tactic from the opposition doesn?t have wingers of any sort, in this instance changer your wingers to mark their widest option which would usually be a full/wingback rather than them coming inside to an already congested midifeld.
Just to point out before I show you my current season, the team I have arent the greatest. I will now show you the spine of my team which is siting second in the prem.






The penultimate image is the league results for just over half a season with this tactic
Aqs you can see the tactic is very consistant apart froma few games where I had full second teams out and some under 18?s due to first team injuries including top scorer goalkeeper and all 6 first team midfielders which was a joke, honestly its like FM doesn?t like people winning at their game lol.
Attributes and PPM?s:
Finally I will go through the PPM?s for specific roles and the key personal attributes I look for in the game.
GK ? shot stopper nothing fancy ball control is desired due to the short passing style.
Key att: reflexes, one-on-ones, positioning, handling, areal ability and communication and command of area
CB ? all three should be monsters in the air and pace and tackling are desirable due to three at the back speed is more desireable as apossed to mental attributes more men less to think about.
Key att: jumping, heading, tackling marking, positioning and accelleration
DCM ? covers a lot of ground throughout a game more horizontal so isnt required to be quick but work rate is a must here, passing can be average if defensive stats are good and vise versa, preference for all the midfield apart from the wingers are tall AND/OR good in the air, this is just for easy possession in the middle of the park from goal kicks.
Key att: stamina, work rate, tackling, marking, (or, passing, creativity) positioning, off the ball and first touch
WM ? speed merchants, need no defensive stats due to the player only there to stop crosses, attacking wise running all day at defenders and always making available offers to receive the ball so stamina and work rate are a must
Key att: acceleration stamina workrate off the ball dribbling crossing and if possible passing and finishing
CM - the BBMs are u attacking and defensive so all arounders, if one is more defensive make sure the other is more attacking, the BBMs will drfit wide in both attacking and defending phases to sniff out any further wide threat from full backs ect? As for the AP he will go beyond the SS and the defensive line more than the BBMs so more focussed on creative and more importantly finishing
BBM key att: stamina, work rate, off the ball, passing, tackling determination and first touch (speed is a bonus along with aerial ability)
AP key att: off the ball, flair, dribbling, finishing composure, first touch, agility and acceleration (work rate and stamina are a bonus)
SS ? this player is similar to a winger in the sense that speed is the key, the speed of this player will create the chances incorporated with the movement off the ball, the reason for this position rather than a striker is defenders will come out of their line to close this player down and once the ball is released to a midfielder the striker will race past the defender for an easy through ball and CCC.
Key att: acceleration, pace, work rate, dribbling, off the ball, finishing, composure (aerial ability is a bonus)
If the ball is in the wider areas and the wingers get the ball in the box, it is drilled which is an advantage for the SS and AP who will be quicker that their defensive counterparts plus the BBMs arrive in the box which means that there are 4 viable options for the winger to aim for and if the ball is cleared then 3CB and DM can mop up and star the attack over again, simple but effective football!!!!!
Player preferred moves (PPMs):
For this the best PPMs for the team are for the defenders is short simple passing game and GK, as for the midfield all the central have simple passing and play one-twos with the DCM dictating tempo and the 3 CM get forward whenever possible, the AP can have dribble through the centre. The wingers have generally wide PPMs i.e. run with the ball more, run down their flank, knock ball past opponent as for the SS best ones I have found to work are plays one-twos, breaks offside trap, place shots, dribble through centre and lobbing the keeper is good to have because it looks good and the amount of one on ones will mean easy goals.
Finally is the training and opp instructions. For the opp instructions I just leave to assistant manager.
All GK train as sweeper keeper
All CB train as ball playing defender
DM as deep lying playmaker or ball wining mid if more attacking minded
BBM train as BBM if all-rounder or if defensive train as AP and DLP if attacking
AP train as Trequista or AP
Wingers train as AP or WM if speed already really high if not winger or def winger
As for the SS either retrain as a ST and train as Comp forward or if striker train as comp forward and train position to ACM

Sorry for the long winded speech on this, if your passionate you always have more to say lol
Thanks for reading this and let me know how you get on with the tactic and if you have any questions hit me up in the comments
