A manager's journey

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Dec 3, 2011
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Hi everyone I have decided to start a story about a football manager's journey throughout his career. I have decided to make it from the managers point of view and more like a story, compared to my other story, The Rise of Mighty Montpellier.
“This is your final warning Mr Brookes. We expect the money by next week or we are kicking you out”, the bailiffs shouted through the door. I stood, pressed up against the wall listening to their demands. I have a week to find £1200. Job Centre here I come.
The next morning I left the house; well I wouldn’t exactly call it a house – a dead end, to go to the job centre. I dressed as smartly as I could; wearing a white shirt, 5 years old and well, not exactly white anymore, and a pair of Primark £3.00 trousers. You could tell they were good quality through the loose thread and various holes in the trousers. Let’s just hope first impressions are not important!
I entered the Job Centre after a long and dreary walk through the rain. I stood their patiently, observing the surroundings. Wow… is this what **** looks like. “Can I help you?” A voice I heard behind me. “Ahh, yes…I’m looking for a job.” I said. “Ok take a seat.” She said. I frantically sat down, twiddling my thumbs, nervous; I knew I needed this job. “So…what kind of job, are you interested in?” She said. “Anything really, whatever is available.” I replied. “What about experience, how much have you got?” The interviewer said. “Various part time jobs.” I replied. I sat daydreaming, looking at my job history; working as a waiter in an Italian restaurant, working as a sales assistant in various clothing retailers. But the one part I remember the most was junior coaching. I used to coach Under-12s, not for money but because I enjoyed it. I remember teaching them my football philosophy; move into space, look for the pass, continuous this process until we score. I preferred attractive attacking football rather than lumping the ball forward and looking to score through this method.
“Mr Brookes…Mr Brookes, we have some jobs available.”
“Sorry…I was just thinking.”
“Ok Mr Brookes, we have three jobs available: sales assistant at Topman, a pizza delivery job and working in a call centre at a local charity, so what’s it to be Mr Brookes?” I was looking outside; there were a couple of kids doing kick-ups, having fun. I wanted to work in football, nothing else mattered. “So what’s it to be Mr Brookes?” She Queried. “Sorry I can’t do this.” I got up and left in a hurry. So this is it, I am going to be kicked out of my home all because I couldn’t choose a simple job.
I started walking home, well not for much longer. It started pouring with rain, again. Just what I needed today. I quickly dashed across the zebra crossing accidently bumping into someone and knocking them over. “Sorry.” I said. I helped this guy up. He was in a trendy expensive suit – ironic, considering what I was wearing. As I helped him up I noticed his face, what I couldn’t believe it, it was Andre Villas-Boas, the former Chelsea and FC Porto manager. “You’re Andre Villas Boas, wow, sorry about knocking you over, it’s an honour to meet you.” I said. “Its fine, it’s nice to meet you.” He replied. I stood there mesmerised, “So what are you doing, walking around in the middle of London, it doesn’t seem like someone like you would do?” I said. “Please can we get out of the rain and I will tell you.”
We sat in a nearby café. I bought him a coffee as an apology for knocking him over. “So what are you doing walking round in the middle of London?” I questioned. “Well I’m here looking at a few managerial jobs. I am scheduled for a meeting with the chairman of Genk, in an hour actually.” He replied. “Wow, that’s amazing I wish I could manage a football club, it’s my dream.”
“You should come along, see if you can get an interview.”
“Sure…what’s the worst that can happen? So you get rejected, it doesn’t matter.”
“OK I will give it a try. I will come with you to the interview.”
“Good luck.” He chuckled.
We approached the building where Villas-Boas was going to be interviewed. He approached the front desk and asked for Herbert Houben, the chairman of Genk. The receptionist replied, “Take the elevator up to the second floor, he is expecting you.” Villas-Boas left for the elevator while I sat down, waiting, waiting for the opportunity of a lifetime.
2 hours had passed until Villas-Boas finally came down from the second floor. He was joined by the Genk chairman, exchanging goodbyes. As the Genk chairman started to leave back to the elevator, Villas-Boas gave me a look. I could tell he was telling me to go for the opportunity that presented itself, I didn’t know why he was helping me, did he feel sorry for me or something. I dashed towards the Genk chairman. “Excuse me; I was wondering if you were still looking for a manger?” I asked. “Who are you?” He replied. “Well, my name is James Brookes and I want to be the manager of the club.”
“Ha” He started to chuckle. “Alright I will give you a chance. I hope you’re ready.”
We both went up to the second floor. The next few hours could change my life. “So Mr Brookes what experience do you have?” He asked. “Well none really, does coaching under 12s count?”
“Ha, you seriously think you could get this job?”
“Look, I know I don’t have much experience but I want this so much. I am very passionate about football, it’s in my blood. Getting this opportunity will mean the world to me, I don’t want it, I need it. Football is more than just a sport and money, it is life. Give me an opportunity to show you what I can do.” He gave me the look, the look I’ve experienced all my life. I quickly got up and started to leave. I was so embarrassed, how did I believe I would actually get this job?
“Wait.” He hissed. I turned round. “Alright son I will give you the opportunity. A one year deal, you better live up to the high expectations I have for you.” I completely froze. Was this real? Without thinking I went up to him and hugged him. “Thank you” I screamed. “Alright son get out of here before I change my mind. I will contact you shortly.” I quickly left in a hurry. As I got in the elevator, he said, “If Villas-Boas is downstairs could you send him up.” Oh no…
I approached the ground floor; Villas-Boas was sitting there patiently. I couldn’t look at him. I told him that the Genk chairman wants to see him. He left.
I couldn’t just leave. The honourable thing was to stay and face the fireworks. I just waited there, waiting for the wraith to come my way.
I heard the elevator make a noise, in a few short seconds Villas-Boas will be coming down.
The doors opened. Villas-Boas walked straight up to me. He looked furious. He just stood there for a few seconds staring at me; I had never been so scared. Suddenly, he stuck out his hand and he said, “Good luck, I hope this isn’t the last time we meet.” Without thinking I shook his hand, I was expecting to be punched. He quickly left.
This is it I am the manager of Genk, the start of my managerial career. No more living in my crummy apartment, off to Belgium here I come.
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27th​ June 2011, 7:00 a.m.

Ring, ring…ring, ring… ring, ring…
“Good morning, Mr Brookes, this is Mr Houben, the chairman of Genk.”
“Oh Hello Mr Houben.” I quickly got up. “I’m looking forward to you being Genk manager. I have set up a flight for you at 10:00 a.m. departing from Heathrow to Genk. Be there.” He replied.
“Yes sir, I will be there.”
“Don’t be late. I will be expecting to see you in Genk.”
“Thanks sir.”
“Alright goodbye”
“bye” I replied. ****! I got two hours to get ready.

Two hours later I was in the taxi on the way to Heathrow, a half an hour journey. Checking my bag making sure I had everything. ****! Where’s my passport? Where is it? Scramming through my bag. Found it! Few, I nearly had a heart attack.

I got ready to board the plane. This was it, my big chance; I was going to blow it.

After the plane journey, I quickly left the plane, collecting my luggage and looking for the Genk chairman. I couldn’t see him. Please tell me this wasn’t some sick joke? Then I saw it, a man holding a placard with Brookes on it. Few. I quickly approached him, “hello.” I said. “Are you Mr Brookes?” He replied. “Yes, I am.”
“Mr Houben is expecting you at the stadium. Come with me.” He said. I slowly followed him outside leading out to a Bentley. This is the life, first class flights with champagne and being driven around in a Bentley.

After the short drive, I arrived outside the stadium; greeted by the chairman and a few other important people, well to be honest I didn’t know who they are! “Welcome Mr Brookes, let me give you a tour of the stadium.”

We started to walk round the stadium. I was observing everything, almost mesmirised by the whole thing. “This is the Cristal Arena, it houses 25,000 fans.” The chairman replied. “Wow, this is amazing.” I said. He opened the doors right at the top tier of the stadium, overlooking the whole stadium. I admired the view; I could see the whole stadium, from top to bottom, as well as the players training at the bottom of the pitch. “So Mr Brookes, are you ready to sign your contract?”
Was this real? “Yes.” I replied.

We were in the chairman’s office. I sat there patiently, while him and few other people drew up the contract. Suddenly, he planted it on the table. “So Mr Brookes, this is chance; if you want to back out just say now.”
“No…I want to sign.”
“You better sure. Ok we are willing to offer you a one year contract, £3200 per week, a 20% bonus for any cup wins, as well as a signing on fee of £1400. As well as this we will provide you with accommodation for the first month.”
“Wow…that’s great it’s better than I expected.”
“Alright just sign on the dotted line.” I looked at the piece of paper, this signal the start of my career. I signed immediately.
“Alright James Brookes welcome to the club. Let’s go meet the players.” What had I let myself in for?
Good update mate, looking forward to the next one!!
29th​ June 2011, 3:00 p.m.
“Alright Mr Brookes I am about to introduce you to the players.” The chairman said. I gulped immediately. He started opening the door, suddenly he stopped and said, “And by the way don’t show any fear, they will pick up on it, and the worst thing that can happen to a manager is losing the respect of his players. Just be confident.” He then fully opened the door.

“Alright boys, this is your new manager, Mr Brookes, so treat him with respect he deserves.” The chairman said. Everyone looked at me, it was daunting. “Hi…everyone, I’m Mr Brookes, I’m your new manager. Me and the chairman have great ambitions for the club. Everyone will get an equal chance to impress me and if anyone has any concerns you can come speak to me. Alright boys, any questions” The hostile environment suddenly seemed friendlier. Did the players respect me? There were no questions so me and the chairman stepped out of the room.

“Well done Mr Brookes, you showed authority and confidence in there. The team has respect for you; let’s just hope things don’t change. That was the easy part.”
“Next we have the press conference for you to deal with.” The chairman responded.
Oh no…
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As I sat at the table, with the assortments of microphones pointed at me, I began to panic inside. None of the reporters were in the room: it was just me, the chairman, the team captain – Simaeys and a couple of chief executives. I could feel my legs trembling, how was I supposed to manage a football club? “Look Mr Brookes, just make sure you are confident and don’t answer questions you don’t feel comfortable with.” The chairman said. I looked in his direction and gave him an assuring nod.

The reporters came pouring in like a swarm of locusts. They quickly sat down and then the most daunting part, the press conference began…“Phil Mcnulty, BBC Sport. So how did this appointment come about?”
“Well, it’s a long story. I don’t want to bore you with the details.” The chairman quickly intervened, “I felt he was the right person at the time.”
“Edme Degaird, Het Laatste. I heard you have no experience in management. How can manage such a respectable club?”
“Look, it doesn’t matter how much experience you have. It’s about leading your team and achievement of the club. I have high ambitions with Genk and I won’t let them down.” I became more assured.
“Marcel Baartens, Metro. What tactics and training do you employ?”
“Well I like my team to play fast attacking football. I don’t believe in just using a target man, I want my team to pass it round and control the game.”
“Edme Degaird, Het Laatste. Have you decided upon any recommended signings?” The chairman quickly intervened, “We haven’t discussed any transfers yet and it will be decided at a later date. That will be all.” The chairman and other various people began to stand up and leave. Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I quickly rose and walked out with the rest of the people. The chairman walked alongside me and said, “Well done, a good interview. I will arrange for a taxi to get you home. You should get some rest and I will call you in tomorrow.”

That was it, the press conference over. Now I’m just waiting for tomorrow…