A Question.

The Icelander

Jan 20, 2010
Reaction score
I have been looking forward to this game for so long and when the demo came out I was disappointed to say the least, I was extremely frustrated with the amount of one on one chances missed and the overall look of the game was just not good enough for me to buy it.

My question is this, has the finishing problem been fixed and how has the game been improved since the demo?
I haven't noticed much yet but that is probably as I continued a demo save. Will be more judgemental when I play with a large database etc.
What finishing problem?

Members moaned about this 'problem' on FM10.

'Clear cut chances' doesn't mean missed a sitter if you are judging your post game stats. and if you are going by the 3D match engine, its merelythe game attempting a representation of the processes being carried out in the background, so something that appears to be a golden opportunity to score a 1one1 may be a harder chance than it appears. The striker could be off balance, under pressure from a defender, etc etc.

Also a striker needs more than jsut a high finishing attribute to score a one on one or a cear chance.

Composure, technique, anticipation, agility, decisions and first touch are all highly important attributes when it comes to scoring a one on one or an instinct chance.
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Okay thanks anyway for the reply but when you played the demo did you not notice that when players like Drogba who have pretty much the same or even better stats miss oppurtionities he is most of the time going to score from?
Stann : btw how did you like the music I reccomended to you?
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I never play demos. Thery aren't the full game, I don't see the point in trying to a judge a game based on a half finished code.

There are ways to fix this, some members found success with asking players to time waste more, meaning players take their time over a one on one, not the intended point of time wasting, but hey ho.

Also there are some effective touchline shouts and PPM's that can be used to improve this problem.
Fine you have persuaded me, I will go and buy the game but if I get disappointed I will hold you r personally responsible !

You wouldnt know of any of these effective shouts you were talking about?
If you still can't score goals, there are always the joys of the sure to be released Mr Hough and Goals Glutter tactics. :)
Yeah, the Mr Hough tactic is a personal favourite of mine In FM10, If was doing really bad with my own tactic I would use the Mr Hough to get the team back on track then using my old tactic again when the morals is up, usually resorted to this every two seasons of mine.
But anyway thanks alot for the help.