I am building a PC, if I build it wrong, is that it are the parts broken and have I wasted my money or can I easily remove them and move them around and put them in again?
If you're worried about building it incorrectly and damaging parts I'd suggest going to pcspecialist or overclockers and building it online and then they'll assemble it and ship it out to you and then you'll have warranty on the build. I built my current rig but I knew what I was doing and bought high end parts but my first build i used pc specialist and sold it on when i built my current one
It's almost impossible to insert parts incorrectly onto the motherboard. Just be careful and make sure that the parts fit without forcing the issue and you should be fine.
Please check where you are starting a topic before you post it. As advised, if you feel the need to ask, you are better off on a specialised pc building forum or looking on youtube for tutorials.