hazard or mutch

or even maybe a cheeky bid for charlie adam
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Hazard, or Pastore; the former if you haven't a lot of funds.

EDIT: OR accept, wait til he goes (if he decides to) then use those funds to get Pastore.

Or just use Wilshere or Ramsey.
What other central midfielders have you currently got?

I would dip in for Moussa Sissoko - he can become a capable playmaker but a better box to box.
Wilshere could slot in for Cesc, Jonathan Dos Santos, Toni Silva, Antonio Nocerino, Marek Hamsik [more expensive but worth it] could all be considered.

But I would need to see your lineup in order to give you a real - detailed response.
This player would play a Deep Lying Playmaker - support position. Currently I have Ramsey and Denilson to play there but they aren't Cesc's standard.