
Dec 11, 2009
Reaction score
So I've decided to turn my Ajax save into a story and I thought of this a bit into the save, so details and pictures will be sparse in the beginning, but there will be more to come after a couple of seasons.

This will be a story with a lot of text and I hope that you enjoy it.

There will be few purchases and focus on development of the youngsters and creating a culture of technical gods that are capable of winning the CL and reign over Europe!
«What time is it? » I asked. Hennrichs, the chairman of Ajax FC looked at me with a stern look and quickly said it was five minutes until show time. It was all truly unbelievable. After a couple of good seasons as manager for the Norwegian side Vålerenga I found myself in the capital of fries, beer and liberalism. It was a done deal as soon as the words are you interested in working for Ajax were uttered. The biggest challenge of my career and subsequently my life stood in front of me. Almost mocking. How could I be worthy of such a task, I wondered.

The sheer magnitude of the stadium and the surrounding city of Amsterdam was truly amazing. “Mr. Seim, it’s time.” I was quickly guided towards the press conference room and the sweat drops were forming in an attack formation. I sat myself down and tried my best to look cool. As though I was totally prepared for this, maybe even too good for it. Hennrichs stood up first and though his hand was quite small, it felt like a ton on my shoulder. “We are proud to present the next manager for Ajax, Eirik Seim. He has done great work at his previous clubs and we are very excited to see what he can do for us here in Ajax.” A great smile formed in the older man’s face as the photographers started their own blitzkrieg.

After what seemed like infinity, but was surely less than thirty seconds he sat down and the journalists put their hands in the air.
“Hello, David from De Telegraaf. Do you think you are ready to lead such a huge side in the dutch league and a giant in European football history?”
“I wouldn’t have taken the job if I didn’t feel prepared to take on this fantastic side. It will of course be an immense challenge and a totally new experience but it is still only fotball. I have my firm philosophies that has taken me this far and I am sure that both me and the club will only rise in stature as time goes by.”
He seemed content with the answer I’d given as no follow up question was asked. One down, a lot more to go.
“Lysza from Trouw. Coming from such a small league, me and maybe some of my colleagues haven’t witnessed or heard about your philosophies. Can you tell us more about them?”
Ah, the first sting of the night. Surely, more was to come as the conference progressed.
“I can’t and won’t apologize for coming from what you refer to as a small league. Being born in Norway gave me opportunities and I took my opportunities. This is why I am sitting here and you are sitting there” A laugh from the room could be heard. They understood what I was doing and luckily found it quite amusing. “I believe in youth. I believe in forming a culture through developing young minds that can reiterate my thoughts through actions long after I am gone. We do that by believing in what our younger players have to offer and to show them that the way from the youth sides to the first team isn’t that long. All we need is dedication, hard work and a similar commitment from them in return. In terms of the actual playing you can look forward to a lot of movement, players working for each other and the team and hopefully fantastic moments for both fans, journalists and players alike.”

There was almost someone clapping. How surreal.
The rest of the conference went smoothly with journalists asking about the team, signings and what I thought of the infrastructure of the club. After a long hour had passed I sat down in a comfortable recliner in the side room and took a deep breath. The first hurdle was behind me and I could relax a bit before going home. I still hadn’t found a permanent place yet, so the Scandic Amsterdam Centraal was for now, my home. “Amazing work, Eirik. Amazing work.” The words of the chairman was hard to hear. I was too worked up and in my own head at that point to notice that everyone had gone home.

The hotel alarm woke me up at 6.30 in the morning. I had to be at Ajax Arena early to meet the staff properly. I had of course been having a tour with the high men of Ajax during my interview, but face time with the people who actually do something was very limited. After a swift and unhealthy breakfast consisting of mostly egg and bacon I ordered a taxi and off we went.
“Eirik, good to see you. Is everything ok?” Heinrichs’ face turned into a giant smile as he greeted me. “Everything is fantastic. I am ready to get going and looking forward to meeting the players”. We went into the board room where most faces were wrinkly and wise. They seemed fresh and awake, the early bird special rule applies to everywhere I guess.

We started off with the financials, transfer budget, wage budget and other areas to invest money. I told them I didn’t need much of a transfer budget, but I would like to have a couple of million just in case the squad lacked something. Ajax isn’t in the same league as Real Madrid or Bayern, but with a solid foundation and fantastic facilities we will get the club back to its good old self!

“We can’t having PSV win the league again.” One of the board members looked at me with the expression of a dead man. I knew that I getting the job wasn’t an anonymous decision and here we probably had one of the people not wanting seeing me as the leader of this club.
“Relax, I don’t plan to,” I smiled and looked straight at him. “I think it will be a tight race as the team get used to my ideas but I promise you, the Eredivise is not going to be fun for anyone except our players and fans.”

The rest of the room seemed content and let the matter go. They hired me for a reason and nobody wants doubt hanging around in the shadows.

“Eirik. I think we all want a brief meeting and I guess you want to meet the players as soon as possible. Is there anything else you want from us except what we talked about in the interview?” Heinrichs looked at me with a kind face. “I have everything I need and I will let you know if that changes.” And with that I was on my way to meet the players!
I felt nervous. I’ve been coaching players of all ages but it never changes. Of course, not being fluent in Dutch doesn’t make it easier but lucky for me, English is something they understand. I had seen countless hours of the past three seasons and looking at individual players to get a grasp on the strengths and weaknesses of the team. There was quality, sure, but a lack of identity and intensity plagued the team. Losing to PSV was not a coincidence and I was to make sure that it wouldn’t happen again!

As I walked into the meeting room a buzzing atmosphere of players chatting away went dead silent. They all looked at me like Death had come in the room to reap them all. I looked at them for a second. “I want you all to stand up. Now I need you to scream, as loud as you possibly can” The confusion in the room was clear to see. “Come on now, don’t be scared. Just scream!” The sound of every player in the club roaring was deafening. “Thank you. Now that we have loosened up I want to say hello. My name is Eirik Seim and I want you to know that things are going to be different from now on” I gave the crowd a good smile and laughed. Luckily, most of them joined in.

“Ajax is a great club and an even greater institution. The story of the club is filled with amazing people and trophies being lifted as other teams were ravaged on the pitch. I do not only feel honour being able to try to repeat history but also an obligation to do my very best each and every day. I will not rest until we are at the top of the world! Before me I see the men capable of achieving all of this. I look at you and I know that together, we will be the envy of the world. We will know the taste of success and through blood, sweat and tears, we will get there!”

The roar resumed and I saw that fire in their eyes. I knew that we would be able to become champions.