I started an Ajax save a couple months ago and I'm currently in May 2020, it is a lot of fun.
My main tips would be to do your best to hold on to Fischer, Denswil, Bazoer and Veltman; regardless of the potential they're assigned, they will be world class. Siem de Jong will be your star man first season, also, Kishna and Nouri in the youth team have the potential to be stars, Kishna especially.
Your focus should be strengthening the DM position. Blind is fantastic (but if you can get good money for him I'd advise selling him) and Poulsen will need replacing. Also, I'd recommend strengthening the striker position eventually (Fischer can be re-trained to be a fantastic poacher if you're struggling to find one)
Apart from that, the squad is pretty fantastic considering the strength of the league but still needs improved if you're going to compete in Europe. The excellent youth facilities should help you with that. Good luck!