
Jan 6, 2010
Reaction score
Hi guy I am playing as arsenal in which I am currently sat at the top off the table, but I am struggling to get sanchez to play anywhere near his best . I am playing him in his familiar role at inside forward attack left does he need any player instruction please help
what is he not doing for you ? what is his ratings ? is he not scoring, assisting ?

what do you want him to do are you wanting him to give you more goals if so make sure you have him cutting inside rather than stay wide...
his rating are as low as 6.5 hes getting next to no assist . Im jst wanting him to contribute more to the game because I know he capable of much better but cant seem to get it out of him, I have tried having him cut inside ive tried satying wide ive also tried setting him to roam more which none have seemed to work
Try telling him he hasn't been good enough and if he doesn't improve you will drop him...doesn't always work but might make him try that little harder.
I had the same problem, ended up getting rid (£250k a week off wage budget) and getting cheaper alternatives. I tried playing him on the left, on the right, up front and just couldn't get him contributing.

The tactics I'm using since getting rid are getting more out of the other players so I'm glad I got rid