
Jul 20, 2012
Reaction score
I was 2 days into a save game, in my second season and had another save file. I had installed kits, crests and the facepack and had played the game normally (although slightly slower). I was interested in creating a cup competition so I downloaded the Editor and installed it. I tried using the editor but didn't know what I was doing so quit out. That was 4 days ago and since then i have not had a chance to play FM. So 5 minutes ago I opened up my FM2012 and was surprised to see the custom skin I had installed wasn't showing, and then noticed that I had no saved games available to load and all of my custom skins were gone. I quit out and opened the sports interactive folder and then saw that all of my data was gone, and it is as if i have just downloaded the game. Could I have done something in the editor to cause this? Is there any way i can retrieve my saved game?

Any help would be appreciated.