An Idea for a 4-2-3-1 Tactic

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Jun 19, 2010
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Please keep in mind this tactic is not thouroughly tested, and it's based more on an idea of football. I don't know how good this tactic is in practice.

So, what I wanted to achieve is implementing shouts, getting high possession, loads of chances, loads of goals, not letting the opponent play his game and solid defence into one tactic that the creator would create with it's own settings, without me tweaking any sliders.

So, I want the team to have high possesion. One of the shouts that people usually use is work ball into box. It basically sets all players to do long shots rarely. So instead of tweaking the longshots manually, and moving the slider, I instead picked the roles that don't do longshots by default.

442 wouldn't work, because every wide role has long shots. Instead I moved the two wide players forward into final third, and chose them to be advanced playmakers. Adv. Play. Don't do longshots, AND they do through balls often.

Speaking of through balls, they are a great way to create chances, especially if the pitch is long, or if you are struggling with creating chances. There is also a shout for that, but since I don't want shouts, I will use player roles and duties that do through balls on often if possible.

Two players that are good at defending, do loads of through balls and don't do longshots, are deep lying playmakers. I will use one with defend and one with support duty in the centre midfield. I could also use them in defensive midfield position, but this is an attacking tactic, and if I press more, they would get lost in dm position, and I couldn't press as much.

Next is the striker role. If I use two strikers, naturally the I would have one in supporting duty, and one in attack. But, every supporting role the game offers, has long shots, so I will pull the supporting striker into AMC position, and leave only one striker in front with an attacking duty. He is the poacher, as he has no longshots. He has no through balls either, but again, the game doesn't offer anything here that would fit that. The amc is the adv. playmaker, but unlike the two wide adv. plays, he is in a supporting role. The creator sets it that way by default.

So I have a 4231 formation. If I want possession, I need to have the ball at our feet. And that means global mentality, and high pressing, and agressive tackling. Attack strategy would set the mentality high, very fluid philosophy would set global mentality, more pressing would set the defensive line high and closing down high, and harder tackling would set most of the players on hard tackling. Doing this, we have also implemented the get stuck in shout by default. Hassle opponents is a usefull shout for high pressing, but the tight marking that it implements would limit my goalscoring efforts, and it also cannot be used by default, so I decided not to use that one. Push higher up is implemented though (more pressing). Marking is set to default as that way the players with defensive duties will be on man marking, an others on zonal, and that is the way an attacking strategy should be set up.

So since the defensive line is so high, we could use a sweeper keeper. Any duty would fit, but I decided to go with a support duty, since it has through balls on max.

And that leaves us with DR and DL roles. Fullbacks with defend duty could be used, but that would mean they wouldn't be involved much in the game, and support and attack duties have long shots. Wing backs, on ther hand, should always be used with attack duty, they dont have long shots, and they have through balls on max. I left them on automatic, as that is the way the creator sets is, and they will be attacking anyway, since the strategy is set to attack.

Btw, the passing is set to shorter for two reasons. One is possession and the other is the fact that the three players in midfield make an axis in which one breaks up opponent attack (dlpd), one initiates attacks (amc aps), and one links the two and sprays passess wide (dlps).

Oh, and creativity is set to more disciplined. We are using very fluid philosophy so this makes sure the players follow orders.

So everything fits perfectly. We have 3 players with attack duty, 3 players with defend duty, two support and two automatic. As it should be. This tactic should give decent possession and loads of chances and goals while at the same time stop your opponent from playing their game. Now to execute the idea. If you decide to give it a go, please keep me posted of how it works for you.
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I went on testing this tactic with the worst team possible, Truro. They are relegation contenders in blue square south. I thought having the worst team as a testing ground would make a good, solid foundation. Naturally, I had to do things differently. First change was changing the philosophy to rigid. My players were changing positions amongst themselves with very fluid, and it was making a mess. I had to make sure they stick to their positions by going more rigid. Rigid philospohy means less creative freedom, and this is an attacking strategy where chances are supposed to be created, so I set up the creative freedom to more expressive. More roaming would mean more players opening themselves up for recieving the pass, and it goes hand to hand with more expressive creativity, so that was also changed. And the biggest change I had to make was switching from mixed to man marking. First reason for this is that man marking is simpler to implement, and easier for players to execute properly, and I thought, well, zonal should be used when you want to keep shape and are defending, and this is an attacking tactic. Important thing is that strikers are set by default to no tight marking, so they are still positioned well to recieve the pass and score.

Anyway, I have tried a full season with truro, and I won promotion, and I have tried a full season with qpr, and I won the league with this.

It's basically my best tactic I have created so far.

You can download it here:

will give this a go with my fc utd save any shouts that kind of thing
i used this 3 times with liverpool got sacked 3 times what did ya do

Sorry about that dude. I was testing it more, and found out my attacks were just waves of lucky heave hos. My team wasn't really building up attacks, and we did loads of crosses from deep. Any opponent that had organised defence killed us. Therefore I made two major changes. First was standing off, combined with more cautious tackling and zonal marking. I wanted to make sure my defence is in place to intercept any cross ball or passing of any sort into my defensive third, and so make problems for better teams. This was crucial. Next was changing attacking strategy to control. To make sure my attack is as organised as the defence, and that attack isn't rushed, but that chances are created through creativity of my playmakers and all those through balls. This is I hope the final version of the tactic.

You can download it here: