Ancient Aliens?

Average Joe

May 25, 2009
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Has anybody been watching this show? (History chanel on sky)
Here you go for anyone interested

Brings up some pretty weird things, like carvings in stone by people 5000 years ago that are so precise (sp) that we would have trouble doing it today even with our technology.

Also things in the Bible that could sound similar to alien encounters.

(some reading about a bit of this kind of thing here )

There are also paintings showing Mary (of Jesus' mother fame) at the birth with things resembling UFO's above her head in the sky ( )

Other paintings have things in the sky that match modern day UFO sighting descriptions
( ) Load of bits there for you to take a peek at.

So have a look, I found it all pretty interesting....
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Maybe people never saw jesus... they saw aliens :O! ahahaha sorry i had to say it
Looks pretty awesome! When's it on?

Not sure atm mate, got it on sky + so i just watch it when i see it in my list.

Theyve looked at egyptians and one building where the blocked used to make a building are about 100 tonnes each, they said there aint much of a chance of moving that no matter what slaves theyve got. They looked at how rocks seemed to have been cut with a saw like device even though there was no evidance they had this technology.

Looked at nazca lines and how they were possibly made.

Looked at Japanese art and things where they show things flying in the sky and attacking each other.

Showed one tribe had made modles (loads of years before anyone had thought of a plane) of things that look very similar to modern jet fighter planes. Researchers actually enlarged the modle to scale, and found they had made it so exact that it was capable of flight. How did they make these, had they seen these things in the sky already?
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has anyone even see life after people or mysteryquest man they have some scary **** in them shows
Don't know about aliens teaching us science :P

I do strongly believe in alien life though, looking at the billions of galaxies, making tens of billions of planets, there's no way that we're the only planet in the whole universe that had the right conditions to harbour intelligent life :)
If your interested in this sort of thing try getting hold of a book called Chariots of the Gods: Was God an Astronaut? By Erich Von Daniken. Very interesting book about this subject.
I watched this show yesterday it was very good on for 2 hours my mum kept telling me to turn it over but i was glued to it
Its all very interesting but i dont recommend viewing it before going to bed, made a big mistake there!
Just started watching season 2 of this. Some interesting theories and evidence on it. Some of the talking heads though are total wacko's.

I definitely think there is more we don't know about our past than do. One episode called Alien Devastation's really stood out and focused on how UFO's are always spotted just before natural disasters within that location. One was even caught by Sky news live at the Iceland Volcano:

[ame=""]YouTube - V-Shape UFO Formation Over Iceland Volcano 18/04/10 Not Birds, Animals Flee From Danger, Sky News[/ame]
its impossible that in all the billions of planets and all the galaxies for us to be the only living thing imo :)
all this kind of stuff is really interesting, this kind of stuff as well -
it was found in like 1900 and not understood till years later, imo something had to have made this, and it was then found by the human race :)
its impossible that in all the billions of planets and all the galaxies for us to be the only living thing imo :)
all this kind of stuff is really interesting, this kind of stuff as well -
it was found in like 1900 and not understood till years later, imo something had to have made this, and it was then found by the human race :)
Once thing is certain, either ancient man was a **** of a lot more advanced than were giving them credit for or they have had some major help from sources unknown.
Once thing is certain, either ancient man was a **** of a lot more advanced than were giving them credit for or they have had some major help from sources unknown.
yeah definatly. same with the pyramids, dont think anyone has figured out how, without the technology we have nowadays, they were able to be built. theres quite a lot of this kind of stuff, it makes you wonder how we managed to de-evolve then re-evolve, or if we just straight up didnt make this stuff ;)
Brings up some pretty weird things, like carvings in stone by people 5000 years ago that are so precise (sp) that we would have trouble doing it today even with our technology.
There are a lot of theories on how some of the ancient megastructures were built, aliens being the main one, but, seriously. The Nazca Lines are drawn straight, perfectly, as though drawn by a giant hand with a ruler, or other things...