Anson - Fifa blame media

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19th Title Here we Come
Apr 10, 2009
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Bid chief executive admits future attempts will fail

Andy Anson has revealed Fifa's executive committee turned their back on England's 2018 World Cup bid because of the British media.
The chief executive of England's attempt to land the global showpiece was left stunned after defeat in the first round of voting when they gained a paltry two of the 22 ExCo votes, despite having been promised several more.

A clearly frustrated Anson, speaking at a press conference in Zurich shown live on Sky Sports News HD, went on to suggest that it would be pointless attempting to secure the tournament in future until the voting process is overhauled.

The lead up to the decision at Fifa's headquarters was overshadowed by a BBC Panorama programme which alleged corruption among members of world football's governing body, and a Sunday Times investigation into 'votes for sale'.

And while Anson does not lay any blame at the door of the media, the message he and his colleagues are getting from some of the 22 men who awarded the 2018 tournament to Russia is very different.

He said: "We have spoken to some executive committee members and they are saying to us that our media killed us.

"Now I don't believe that, I don't believe that for one minute, but that is what we are being told.

"I still find what happened hard to understand and hard to believe. We went to bed feeling confident we would get through the first round so to find out we only got two votes is tough.

"We had a formidable competitor in Russia, who knows how they were lobbying and what they were doing, but they clearly got people to vote for them.

"When Sepp Blatter came over to 10 Downing Street it was clearly what we thought was a good relationship with the Prime Minister. David Cameron, to his absolute credit, when things went wrong he could have just backed away, but he didn't."
Don't bother

And Anson insisted there would be absolutely no point attempting to land the World Cup in future unless the voting system, which places all the power in the hands of Fifa's 22 ExCo members, is changed.

He said: "I would say right now, don't bother until you know that the process is going to change to allow bids like ours to win.

"When you have the best technical bid, the fantastic inspection visit, the best economic report and, from what people told me yesterday, the best presentation, it is quite hard to stomach that that seems to count for absolutely nothing.

"Having 22 guys only voting gives them too much influence. When 22 people have the power to decide on the world's biggest sporting event that gives them a lot of power and every individual vote counts for so much.

"It makes it a very tough process and that is an issue. Fifa do need to look at that process because it makes it very easy for formidable competitors like Russia and Qatar to gain influence.

"If you look at bids like ours, like Australia, like the USA, we clearly are accountable, to the press, the public and the government. We have to do things in a straight and ethical way and I think all three of those bids will leave here with their heads held high knowing they did everything as they should do.

"I don't know what else happened, but clearly Russia and Qatar are formidable competitors."

Not quite right

Anson went on to criticise the decision to name the 2018 and 2022 hosts at the same time and believes that with so many nations involved in the process it was inevitable that votes were exchanged.

He added "Running two bids together was clearly a mistake because everyone who had a vote and a bid clearly wanted to trade that vote to help them get over the line in their particular campaign. That was a huge mistake in my mind.

"Australia had a very good bid, they got one vote. We had a very good bid, we got two votes. The USA had an unbelievably strong technical bid, they got three votes.

"Six votes between three of the strongest bids, there is something that is not quite right and that is something which needs looking at.

"You have got to open it up to all the member associations. You've got to widen the electorate.

"You should have transparency and open voting so that everyone knows who voted for whom, because I don't believe that the secret ballot actually helps transparency at all and it leads to the situation we had yesterday where people promise you something and don't deliver.",19528,12016_6549544,00.html
This was posted on another forum:

If FIFA were adamant they wanted the next three WCs to be some sort of football-inspired Marshall plan and the catalyst for huge infrastructure projects, the building of white elephant stadiums, and 5* hotels that aren’t needed, then why didn’t they save countries like England, Spain, Portugal, and Holland the trouble of bidding, and just send out tenders to countries that will need to build stadiums from scratch, and where (Brazil excepted) there’s no huge football culture? How do people think Qatar will get on in the WC2022? Semi-finals or possibly knocked-out in the Quarters? It’s like Luxembourg hosting it, but with insane heat, and without the beer. Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised to see them naturalising loads of Brazilian players for megabucks in the run-up to the tournament.

I think we were less humiliated by our failure to garner more than a single vote aside from the one we cast (assuming that Thompson voted for England), than our willingness to sacrifice our dignity and integrity in our attempts to win the bid. Top of the pile of people who’ve made us look like a right bunch of twats, is Jack Warner. There’s plenty of evidence to suggest that he’s as corrupt as they come, and yet we first sent our PM across to see him in T&T, and then the national team to play in a friendly, and finally we have the current PM, and future King of England kissing the bloke’s ****, in return for CONACAF’s votes. He promises England his votes, and then votes for Russia. Two British PM’s and the future monarch kissing the **** of a corrupt sports administrator who knows we know that he’s as bent as a nine bob note, but that we’re too meek and desperate for his patronage, and that our own ****** government attempted to block the BBC showing a programme highlighting his corruption.

Plenty of people were saying that we should have withdrawn our bid on principle rather than partake in the sham, but it’s too late for us to moan about that now, as we took the view that the corruption seemingly endemic in FIFA, was nothing to concern ourselves with. I understand that in world politics, you have to turn a blind eye to all sorts of unpleasant practices, but this is a sodding sports committee, at the end of the day, and we should have publically stated that we wanted nothing to do with hosting a WC with the current set-up. After the last WC, the Nigerian government were warned that if they interfered with their FA’s dealings (i.e. investigated allegations of corruption) they would be suspended from international football – the government duly backed down, but the individual was then exposed as corrupt by the Sunday Times. How have we got to a situation where a sports administration body can dictate government policy? It’s insane.

In 2000 the FA managed to possibly irreparably devalue their own competition by pressurising Man Utd to withdraw from the FA cup, and go to Japan to take part in the World Club championships, in the hope of gaining FIFA’s favour. That didn’t work, as the WC went to Germany, who were also upset that we’d apparently reneged on a promise not to bid for 2006 in return for their support for Euro 96. We should have learnt then that some things are more important than hosting a WC.
Well, if FIFA think this will shut our media up, they had better think again.

They aint seen anything yet. Our media will now go on an entrapment rampage I think against FIFA. If any of them step out of line, expect it to be big news.
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Well, if FIFA think this will shut our media up, they had better think again.

They aint seen anything yet. Our media will now go on an entrapment rampage I think against FIFA. If any of them step out of line, expect it to be big news.

Yer they will but what will it achieve thats my point.
Probably nothing but will prove, even more than we already know, just how corrupt they are.
Probably nothing but will prove, even more than we already know, just how corrupt they are.

That programme the other day didn't show us anything we didn't already know, we know that Fifa is corrupt but what can we do about it??
That programme the other day didn't show us anything we didn't already know, we know that Fifa is corrupt but what can we do about it??

Due to the fact FIFA are unaccountable to anyone, we cannot do a thing about it.
Due to the fact FIFA are unaccountable to anyone, we cannot do a thing about it.

Exacly, its a shame but its just the way it is. I would love nothing more than for Blatter to be in such a position that he had to step down and fellow members also. But like i said yesterday these men are untouchable, it stinks but no amount of media coverage in this country will change anything at Fifa.