Any Recommendations on how to improve?


Aug 31, 2012
Reaction score
Any Recommendations on how to improve? This is what im running when noone is injured. But i need a new formation. Can anyone recomend one/any players worth while?
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Oh wow mate, you're playing everyone in the wrong positions! You can play a 4-3-2-1 or a 4-2-3-1. With Hazard on the left wing, Ronaldo on the right, Kaka down the middle, and Lukaku as poacher up front. will be much better i feel.
Whats happening here buddy? 4-1-2-1-2 Isn't a formation for real madrid, best to play 4-2-3-1 with them with Aguero upfront as a poacher then Hazard on the left, ronaldo on the right and Kaka etc in the middle.

And then behind them play song and martinez in a defensive midfield role.

Best of luck,message me if you need ore help/advice.
Managing madrid in my current save ( 2014/15 season)and agree with what the others have said. You have have bought some good players in Aguero and Hazard but you have them out of position. I mainly play 4-2-3-1 with 4-1-3-2 as back up. If i were you i would play

GK Casillias
RB Ramos (wing back auto)
LB marcelo (wing back auto)
CB Pepe (cb defend)
CB Varane (cb cover)
DM Martninez (dm defend)
DM Alonso (dlp support)
AMR Ronaldo (winger attack)
AML Hazard (winger attack)
AMC Ozil (am attack)
ST Aguero (poacher)

Casillas is a great keeper so no problems there but you might want to try and find a good backup. I have had both Andler and Mandanda but both didn't like being bench warmers so I would look for a good young Spanish keeper (to help with HG rules). You have good CB's in Pepe, Varane and Ramos but as you don't have a good RB I would play Ramos there. Marcelo is a good LB with Coentrao as backup.

For the DM roles you should try Alonso as DLP support and Martinez as DM defend as they will compliment each other. I play CR as AML ( I find AML is his best position although he is very good as AMR and ST but I have just bought Hulk to play AMR) but as it looks like you have sold Di Maria you should play CR as AMR and Hazard as AML. By 2014 Kaka wasn't that great for me anymore and I would guess Lampard is in decline too so you should play Ozil as AMC who has been amazing for me or play Hazard there (it's his best position) and buy a AMR.

Up front it looks like you have sold Higuain/Benzema in which case I hope you got lots for them as they are both awesome :D Aguero is great too though so try him as a poacher (or a teq if you play him up front with someone) and watch the goals flow!

Hope this has been some help. Here is my team in 2014/2015
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Oh wow mate, you're playing everyone in the wrong positions! You can play a 4-3-2-1 or a 4-2-3-1. With Hazard on the left wing, Ronaldo on the right, Kaka down the middle, and Lukaku as poacher up front. will be much better i feel.
I really like this idea, im trying to sell kaka currently, due to his aging and drastic decline, to see if i can get some money from him. I really like the 4-3-2-1 idea you have, its just i still have aguero (who i lured him from man city for cheap) but i dont want to go towards a 4-2-2-2 route

Whats happening here buddy? 4-1-2-1-2 Isn't a formation for real madrid, best to play 4-2-3-1 with them with Aguero upfront as a poacher then Hazard on the left, ronaldo on the right and Kaka etc in the middle.

And then behind them play song and martinez in a defensive midfield role.

Best of luck,message me if you need ore help/advice.
This seams really solid, ive ran this formation for quite a while. Im looking to let go of one starter, see if i can get alba into the works. he is projected to be really good.

Managing madrid in my current save ( 2014/15 season)and agree with what the others have said. You have have bought some good players in Aguero and Hazard but you have them out of position. I mainly play 4-2-3-1 with 4-1-3-2 as back up. If i were you i would play

GK Casillias
RB Ramos (wing back auto)
LB marcelo (wing back auto)
CB Pepe (cb defend)
CB Varane (cb cover)
DM Martninez (dm defend)
DM Alonso (dlp support)
AMR Ronaldo (winger attack)
AML Hazard (winger attack)
AMC Ozil (am attack)
ST Aguero (poacher)

Casillas is a great keeper so no problems there but you might want to try and find a good backup. I have had both Andler and Mandanda but both didn't like being bench warmers so I would look for a good young Spanish keeper (to help with HG rules). You have good CB's in Pepe, Varane and Ramos but as you don't have a good RB I would play Ramos there. Marcelo is a good LB with Coentrao as backup.

For the DM roles you should try Alonso as DLP support and Martinez as DM defend as they will compliment each other. I play CR as AML ( I find AML is his best position although he is very good as AMR and ST but I have just bought Hulk to play AMR) but as it looks like you have sold Di Maria you should play CR as AMR and Hazard as AML. By 2014 Kaka wasn't that great for me anymore and I would guess Lampard is in decline too so you should play Ozil as AMC who has been amazing for me or play Hazard there (it's his best position) and buy a AMR.

Up front it looks like you have sold Higuain/Benzema in which case I hope you got lots for them as they are both awesome :D Aguero is great too though so try him as a poacher (or a teq if you play him up front with someone) and watch the goals flow!

Hope this has been some help. Here is my team in 2014/2015
Nice team, i tried going for a new look of the team. Higuain/Benzema are great, but they are sorta not my style of players. Kaka is on a very quick decline, and i picked up lampard on free transfers as a backup(whos still very solid/good influence). Alonso is on a pretty big decrease also. I swaped coentrao on the right, because Marcelo and Coentrao are my favorite FB's together.
Varane has become amazing for me.
And yes, im sitting on around 300m right now. Im trying to go for youth players instead of bringing players in. its just i dont know if i want Lukaku or Aguero, or how to fit those two + Hazard + ozil and make everyone happy.
Wide diamond is horrible. better to keep with a flat 4 midfield or a narrow diamond.

If you want width, 4-2-3-1 or 4-1-2-2-1 if you want Narrow 'feed the ball to the hungry strikers' use a 4-1-2-1-2. With the narrow diamnd the AM is the key though. Better to also have him as a ghost striker, someone who will play a little deeper but charge into the box. Use the two strikers more as wide men.
Kaka is in his last year of contract for me and I have got him to agree to be a coach but he won't sign a non-playing contract yet so i'm not playing him but using him as tutor. Alonso is still good for me at 32 but if he is not for you do the same as Kaka - don't register him in squad just use as tutor(he and Kaka are good tutors) and try and get him to become a coach.

Coentrao is good but Ramos is a great RB so you should really use him instead. Like you I'm concentating on youth. I've bought in some good prospects and have some come through my youth ranks. Make sure you get the board to improve the youth facilities. How is Lukaku doing for you? I've heard he comes good a few seasons in?
If you want to play two up front try 4-1-3-2 with CR AMR, Hazard AML, Ozil AMC, Aguero Teq, Lukaku Poacher