Anybody fancy starting up a new game?

May 13, 2010
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Anybody fancy starting up a new game? open to any league and stuff but i onlys ask that u are commited to playing and not gonna quit after a few games.

add me on steam steff318 if u are interested.
im interested in a long term online game as a lot of the games are in the premier league and there are not enough games in lower or weaker leagues where there is a challenge to build up a club rather than starting with millions of pounds to splash on as many transfers as possible
I would join but only if not many leagues were computer kinda sucks when too many leagues are loaded
I could try and set up a game not sure if i need a good computer to host it or not.

FM or FMC?

and which nations?
I think MLS would be interesting if just that was loaded and maybe a couple of other leagues but it would be interesting and would be quick to run with not too many leagues loaded