Attribute History

Feb 10, 2009
Reaction score
I'm hoping someone can answer a question is have...

I'm aware that on the training screen there's a facility to look at changes to attributes over the last 12 months, but is there any way to have a longer term view?

I'm 4 years into a game and i've spent a lot of time and energy developing younger players. I know that they've all improved but it would be great to see a year by year view of how their stats have changed.

Anyone know if its possible??
Nope none.

If you an be bothered you could take screenshots of your promosiing youngsters and then compare them in X amount of years time.
Thanks - that was plan B!

Its frustrating and a little dissappointing that this feature isn't available. I'm sure i'm not the only one who'd like to see how a player has improved over a reasonable period of time.

Anyway, thanks for the answer.
I agree and feel that this feature needs to be implemented in future versions. I tend to just take screenshots of a few of my players I want to track and just compare them every few seasons.