My first thread, woot!
(sorry in advance, I'm from Hungary, and my english is not perfect, but I try my best to express myself here
A little history first.
I started to play managers back in 2001, when they were called "Championship Manager". I got addicted of course, you all know the feeling. Year after year, I always bought the next episode until 2008, when I got married, had to find a job, we moved, etc etc.
Arsenal have been my favorite team since Thierry Henry signed there. I loved that team with Pires, Ljungerg, Sol Campbell, Ashley Cole. And I also loved the philosophy of the manager, Arsene Wenger,and how he developed extremely talanted youngsters into world-class players. Of course I wanted to be the virtual Arsene Wenger!But only with another team as I respected him that much that I did not even there to take his place. ( I know, it's sentimental, but that's it.) Instead I settled in with smaller Premier League clubs, like Leeds, or Fulham, and started to expand them into worldwide reputation clubs, using the method of Wenger, finding and signing young talent, then develop them into the new worldclass-elite-Real Madrid wants them so bad! superstars.
While scouting, I always paid extra attention to the following stats/attributes: determination, workrate, natural fitness, stamina. If these stats were above the average, with all the other stats just about ok, I was always able to develop them onto the wished awesome-level.
First train and tutoring them well, maybe loan them out, starts playing them on more and more matches, not overstress them so they won't get injured, yadda yadda, you also all know the drill.
Even with the best training schedules, there were injuries during trainings, on matches,there were offseasons, and players eventually got elders. But, aside from the recovery period,the off-season, and the dawn of the players' careers there were no random drops in attributes. Never. And after the recovery and the offseason break, stats slowly climbed back to the previous level, and if the player were not at his peak yet, he developed even further!I think it's normal, life-like, and felt so good watching my "babies" grown up into superstars. Then I had a 5 years break,and returned to the series only with the FM2014, in January, 2014.
Some things had changed, first I was only blinking at the new game, I did not even know where to click. I spent hours to read through manuals, forum topics to get ideas about the developed training, tactics, in general about all the new (for me ) aspects of the game. But many things did not change: I still love Arsenal, and of course I started a new career, this time with Newcastle, talented team, but not world class at all, with many areas of the squad that could use some wonderkids in a few years.
So...pick team, get rid off players with low stamina, determination and workrate, get the proper kiddos, set up the training, the tactic, and go playing, huh!All went well, sometimes I've checked if my youngsters' stats were still climbing upwards with skyrocket speed,and if the experienced guys (still at the age between25-29) developed some or not.
In the middle of the second season, I once noticed that my CB, Yanga-Mbiwa had less "dark blue" attributes than he had had two weeks ago. I checked his developement and all of his stats dropped down. Checked my other players, and the same happened with some of them. I thought "it's okay, it happens I guess"...but then it happened over and over again, and it was frustrating to see that players who should be at their peak, are slowly but surely loosing their elite stats (tackling went up from 13 to 17 in two years, but then slowly sinked back to 15, and it was the same with many players, with many stats).
For the record: training is balanced, it covers every aspect for the guys, I did not let the assistant to focus on set pieces in 75% of trainings, workload is easy while schedule is dense, and medium when there is a little break, it's only intense when it's early season. Individual training is heavy, still the overall workload is always medium, never hard. Team morale is in 97% superb, since we are cool,winning games, breakin grecords, even the second team plays a lot, cause I can use a rotation. I signed the best available physios, fitness trainers are both 5 stars, all the other trainers are 4,5 starred. So...everything seems to be awesome. Still these seemingly random dropping in stats happened from time to time, no matter what.
On one day, I checked the attributes of the whole team one-by-one. I compared them with a previous setting, and noticed again, that the 25 years old guy who was NEVER injured, was never exhausted because of the rotation, played his best football, even though he got SOME improvements in stats, (he is a CB but got better crossing, creativity, crossing for example with CD focused training in a few months period) but sadly important stats got worse (his tackling and positioning, jumping reach and heading all went down by one - jumping reach by two
)Oh and of course all of his stats had a red little arrow, signing that they all just went down. I was like: " *put bad word here* "
And like some magic, we got a blackout, power went down, and I had to reload the game from a previous save, which dated back by two days only, so it wasn't a big deal. when I got to the same date, I checked the guys again, and hallelujah, the guy did not drop a single attrribute, instead he gained 5 (!) green little arrow. I raised an eyebrow, and reloaded the game again. This time he got 6 green arrows and two reds. Also another guy, who luckily gained developement in 12 attributes before the blackout, this time got 15 green arows. I reloaded it again, boom, CB guy has all the red arrows again, the other guy this time got only one green arrow and nothing else.
Since then, I spend 65% of my time with checking those ****** stats, because if there is a chance not to loose the hardly earned developement, why I should deal with it?We are not talking about a little drop, some stats could seriously go down with no reason.It is frustrating to see that your wonderkid simply can't get any better because once he gets some green arrows, but two weeks later he will loose it all, if not much more. But if you reload it, his stats will completely go the other way. There is nothing logical in it, it's completely random, the PC will make a roll and will throw out those red or green arrows. (alright, not COMPLETELY random, injuries and old age still take the attributes down, but in one save the same injury causes only 4 red arrows, but if you reload it, it will be 14 red arrows, big difference)
So here is the deal: on certain dates of the calendar changea in stats will happen, no matter what do you do/did/will do/wanted to do/Brian Boitano would can throw out all the training and philosophy about overused, not rested, injured, grumpy players. It happens with 26 age old superstars, and with 21 years old enthusiastic players as well, even if they are playing great football, their condition is always above 95 on match day, match fitness is 100% all the time, their coaches are the best, and I did not change their schedule. if you reload the same day, when the change happens, you can get completely different results: if a player developes,he can get green arrows between 0-15, or even more, but never a red one. If a player's attributes drop, they can get 0-15 (or more) red arrows most of times, but if you reload a few more times, once you will get zero reds, and maybe even a green arrow, which is nonsense for an injured player for example.
Like I said, I never complained before in previous FMs, if a player of mine, who was injured, or never played a single game and his match fitness was below my grandma's showed no sign of developement, or worse, his stats were going down. Especially when he wasn't in my first team plans.
But in FM attributes are superimportant. That one or two points in certain attributes can cost you matches: "****, this would have been a goal if his ****** finishing would be still 17 instead of 15!" It also determines the player's status (cultured,strong, commanding, worldclass, etc etc), their value,their stars, and their overall level of playing.
I think this method is not cool at all, since no matter how much attention you pay for player developement, you can end up with good, but not worldclass players, because on a certain date the PC tossed you only one green arrow instead of 15.
You can't tell me that they've reached their cap of level, cause, like I said it happens with EVERY player from 18 years old youngster to 37 years old striker before retiring. You can't tell me they were injured, or exhausted. It happens with guys in super happy mode and superb condition, the PC decides when they get huge and when they get only a little developement.
And the worse is...I got paranoid, andnow, before every game I spend long minutes with checking all the ****** attributes for all players to find out a reason or a method to cure this problem, but I can not.
When my striker finally developed a decent finishing of 16, then two weeks later all of his attributes drop down, including his finishing as well, I can not be happy. If I smack him cause he failed to express me in training, he admits it, then a month later he will get one green arrow to his tackling...and it lasts more than a year(!) for him to regain the most of his attributes he had lost on that tragic day. But his finishing never went back to 16, no matter what training schedule he got (no, I did not change the schedules rapidly)...
It's frustrating as ****, and would be awesome if you guys at the SI would do something about it.
Also, if any of you managers out there noticed the same problem, or better, know the CURE!!!! Please do not hesitate to respond to this thread.
(sorry in advance, I'm from Hungary, and my english is not perfect, but I try my best to express myself here

A little history first.
I started to play managers back in 2001, when they were called "Championship Manager". I got addicted of course, you all know the feeling. Year after year, I always bought the next episode until 2008, when I got married, had to find a job, we moved, etc etc.
Arsenal have been my favorite team since Thierry Henry signed there. I loved that team with Pires, Ljungerg, Sol Campbell, Ashley Cole. And I also loved the philosophy of the manager, Arsene Wenger,and how he developed extremely talanted youngsters into world-class players. Of course I wanted to be the virtual Arsene Wenger!But only with another team as I respected him that much that I did not even there to take his place. ( I know, it's sentimental, but that's it.) Instead I settled in with smaller Premier League clubs, like Leeds, or Fulham, and started to expand them into worldwide reputation clubs, using the method of Wenger, finding and signing young talent, then develop them into the new worldclass-elite-Real Madrid wants them so bad! superstars.
While scouting, I always paid extra attention to the following stats/attributes: determination, workrate, natural fitness, stamina. If these stats were above the average, with all the other stats just about ok, I was always able to develop them onto the wished awesome-level.
First train and tutoring them well, maybe loan them out, starts playing them on more and more matches, not overstress them so they won't get injured, yadda yadda, you also all know the drill.
Even with the best training schedules, there were injuries during trainings, on matches,there were offseasons, and players eventually got elders. But, aside from the recovery period,the off-season, and the dawn of the players' careers there were no random drops in attributes. Never. And after the recovery and the offseason break, stats slowly climbed back to the previous level, and if the player were not at his peak yet, he developed even further!I think it's normal, life-like, and felt so good watching my "babies" grown up into superstars. Then I had a 5 years break,and returned to the series only with the FM2014, in January, 2014.
Some things had changed, first I was only blinking at the new game, I did not even know where to click. I spent hours to read through manuals, forum topics to get ideas about the developed training, tactics, in general about all the new (for me ) aspects of the game. But many things did not change: I still love Arsenal, and of course I started a new career, this time with Newcastle, talented team, but not world class at all, with many areas of the squad that could use some wonderkids in a few years.
So...pick team, get rid off players with low stamina, determination and workrate, get the proper kiddos, set up the training, the tactic, and go playing, huh!All went well, sometimes I've checked if my youngsters' stats were still climbing upwards with skyrocket speed,and if the experienced guys (still at the age between25-29) developed some or not.
In the middle of the second season, I once noticed that my CB, Yanga-Mbiwa had less "dark blue" attributes than he had had two weeks ago. I checked his developement and all of his stats dropped down. Checked my other players, and the same happened with some of them. I thought "it's okay, it happens I guess"...but then it happened over and over again, and it was frustrating to see that players who should be at their peak, are slowly but surely loosing their elite stats (tackling went up from 13 to 17 in two years, but then slowly sinked back to 15, and it was the same with many players, with many stats).
For the record: training is balanced, it covers every aspect for the guys, I did not let the assistant to focus on set pieces in 75% of trainings, workload is easy while schedule is dense, and medium when there is a little break, it's only intense when it's early season. Individual training is heavy, still the overall workload is always medium, never hard. Team morale is in 97% superb, since we are cool,winning games, breakin grecords, even the second team plays a lot, cause I can use a rotation. I signed the best available physios, fitness trainers are both 5 stars, all the other trainers are 4,5 starred. So...everything seems to be awesome. Still these seemingly random dropping in stats happened from time to time, no matter what.
On one day, I checked the attributes of the whole team one-by-one. I compared them with a previous setting, and noticed again, that the 25 years old guy who was NEVER injured, was never exhausted because of the rotation, played his best football, even though he got SOME improvements in stats, (he is a CB but got better crossing, creativity, crossing for example with CD focused training in a few months period) but sadly important stats got worse (his tackling and positioning, jumping reach and heading all went down by one - jumping reach by two

And like some magic, we got a blackout, power went down, and I had to reload the game from a previous save, which dated back by two days only, so it wasn't a big deal. when I got to the same date, I checked the guys again, and hallelujah, the guy did not drop a single attrribute, instead he gained 5 (!) green little arrow. I raised an eyebrow, and reloaded the game again. This time he got 6 green arrows and two reds. Also another guy, who luckily gained developement in 12 attributes before the blackout, this time got 15 green arows. I reloaded it again, boom, CB guy has all the red arrows again, the other guy this time got only one green arrow and nothing else.
Since then, I spend 65% of my time with checking those ****** stats, because if there is a chance not to loose the hardly earned developement, why I should deal with it?We are not talking about a little drop, some stats could seriously go down with no reason.It is frustrating to see that your wonderkid simply can't get any better because once he gets some green arrows, but two weeks later he will loose it all, if not much more. But if you reload it, his stats will completely go the other way. There is nothing logical in it, it's completely random, the PC will make a roll and will throw out those red or green arrows. (alright, not COMPLETELY random, injuries and old age still take the attributes down, but in one save the same injury causes only 4 red arrows, but if you reload it, it will be 14 red arrows, big difference)
So here is the deal: on certain dates of the calendar changea in stats will happen, no matter what do you do/did/will do/wanted to do/Brian Boitano would can throw out all the training and philosophy about overused, not rested, injured, grumpy players. It happens with 26 age old superstars, and with 21 years old enthusiastic players as well, even if they are playing great football, their condition is always above 95 on match day, match fitness is 100% all the time, their coaches are the best, and I did not change their schedule. if you reload the same day, when the change happens, you can get completely different results: if a player developes,he can get green arrows between 0-15, or even more, but never a red one. If a player's attributes drop, they can get 0-15 (or more) red arrows most of times, but if you reload a few more times, once you will get zero reds, and maybe even a green arrow, which is nonsense for an injured player for example.
Like I said, I never complained before in previous FMs, if a player of mine, who was injured, or never played a single game and his match fitness was below my grandma's showed no sign of developement, or worse, his stats were going down. Especially when he wasn't in my first team plans.
But in FM attributes are superimportant. That one or two points in certain attributes can cost you matches: "****, this would have been a goal if his ****** finishing would be still 17 instead of 15!" It also determines the player's status (cultured,strong, commanding, worldclass, etc etc), their value,their stars, and their overall level of playing.
I think this method is not cool at all, since no matter how much attention you pay for player developement, you can end up with good, but not worldclass players, because on a certain date the PC tossed you only one green arrow instead of 15.
You can't tell me that they've reached their cap of level, cause, like I said it happens with EVERY player from 18 years old youngster to 37 years old striker before retiring. You can't tell me they were injured, or exhausted. It happens with guys in super happy mode and superb condition, the PC decides when they get huge and when they get only a little developement.
And the worse is...I got paranoid, andnow, before every game I spend long minutes with checking all the ****** attributes for all players to find out a reason or a method to cure this problem, but I can not.
When my striker finally developed a decent finishing of 16, then two weeks later all of his attributes drop down, including his finishing as well, I can not be happy. If I smack him cause he failed to express me in training, he admits it, then a month later he will get one green arrow to his tackling...and it lasts more than a year(!) for him to regain the most of his attributes he had lost on that tragic day. But his finishing never went back to 16, no matter what training schedule he got (no, I did not change the schedules rapidly)...
It's frustrating as ****, and would be awesome if you guys at the SI would do something about it.
Also, if any of you managers out there noticed the same problem, or better, know the CURE!!!! Please do not hesitate to respond to this thread.