Attributes vs Avg Rating (Transfers)


Jun 12, 2016
Reaction score
I've played FM on and off ever since FM 12 and have recently started a new save on FM 16 having taken a long break. This question is aimed at buying players.

I have chosen Arsenal and am currently looking to buy a striker.

2 I am looking are, are Morata and Lukaku. Morata has much superior attributes, however has only played 14 games and scored 5 goals up until January (Currently in the January Transfer Window). Meanwhile Lukaku has played 17 games, and scored 13 goals in the league. A much better return in arguably a more competitive league, however his attributes are worse. Lukaku also has 0.5 higher Average rating than Morata.

Now obviously Lukaku is going to play more games as he is a key player for Everton whereas Morata doesn't seem to be used too much by Juventus. I am able to afford both, so should I go for the better Attribues, or the better in-game performance?
As you are Arsenal, chances are good that you don't have Serie A on full detail, so you can't properly compare stats and avg ratings.

You need to then use other criteria, like who'd fit your system better.
The both entirely depend on how you are going to play them. Get the player that will suit the role/style your formation and play dictates.
when a poor player plays in a good team then he always has high ratings so I always look at attributes when buy someone...
I find attributes matter more cause you can work with them more, however you can sell a poor player with a good average rating for a lot more than he's worth
If Morata has been used as a substitute often, then his average rating will be restricted by that limited playing time. I'd say pick the player with the attributes that best fit the specific role you want him to play, then trust your own managerial ability to get the best from him.
AVE ratings matter big time, I base a lot of my transfers on them but only after a few seasons, half a season means nothing. Juve might not play a system that suits Morata to a T but Everton will base a whole system around Lukaku, Lukaku is home grown, but for same price I'd still go Morata, but both are top quality. Also depends on how you like to play, I like quick wingers and poachers some people like big tall ST's like a Lukaku who they can pump the ball into but also has a bit of pace.
Still meaningless of you aren't comparing apples with apples.
Sadly, only thing that matters in FM are attributes. If players attributes fits your team, he'll do well. Simple as.

Wish there was option to hide attributes completely, to sign players based on scout reports and stats. That would be amazing.
Sadly, only thing that matters in FM are attributes. If players attributes fits your team, he'll do well. Simple as.

Wish there was option to hide attributes completely, to sign players based on scout reports and stats. That would be amazing.

edit the skin not to show them.
Sadly, only thing that matters in FM are attributes. If players attributes fits your team, he'll do well. Simple as.

Wish there was option to hide attributes completely, to sign players based on scout reports and stats. That would be amazing.
Scout reports aren't detailed enough to go without attributes completely. Hopefully at some point though!
Preferred positions and attributes are what are important when buying a player. After all you are looking to improve your team not make them worse which is what a 'square peg in a round hole' will do. In other words buy the player who fits your system or whom you are willing to change your system for.
I'd say that's a bad idea to buy players based on the average rating because it might be very tricky
I'd say that's a bad idea to buy players based on the average rating because it might be very tricky
Yep just because someone has good average ratings for one team doesn't always mean they will get the same for another, attributes are better indicators of ability. Average ratings can give a false indication as inconsistent players can appear better than what they really are.
Scout reports aren't detailed enough to go without attributes completely. Hopefully at some point though!

They're not detailed enough even with attributes. There's this winger in Roma who's name escapes me right now, who has garbage attributes for his position - no pace, no technique, no dribbling, no nothing, but he always did AMAZING for me.

Took me a while to figure out what's going on, until I peaked in Genie Scout and turned out the guy has amazing hidden stats. Consistency, Important Matches, Pressure, Sportmanship, everything up the ***. He just plays above his level, basically.
Took me a while to figure out what's going on, until I peaked in Genie Scout and turned out the guy has amazing hidden stats. Consistency, Important Matches, Pressure, Sportmanship, everything up the ***. He just plays above his level, basically.

wait, so Important matches is a mental stat? I've always thought the coach report saying he dreads big matches means he has low pressure stats and looked for light hearted tutors..

Is it just me or is your squads general personality/mentality rubbing off easier on the rest of the group now? I have balanced players becoming fairly pro even without tutoring, not complaining but it happens pretty fast, after 1,5 seasons now.
wait, so Important matches is a mental stat? I've always thought the coach report saying he dreads big matches means he has low pressure stats and looked for light hearted tutors..

Pressure is seperate from Important Matches. Low pressure you can see during the game when for example you're trailing behind and some of your players are reported as looking nervous. High Important Matches just makes them more likely to show up during big games. Think Iniesta.

Is it just me or is your squads general personality/mentality rubbing off easier on the rest of the group now? I have balanced players becoming fairly pro even without tutoring, not complaining but it happens pretty fast, after 1,5 seasons now.

Yeah, I've noticed that too.
And the winger I talked about is Florenzi.


I mean, high Work Rate and Teamwork are nice, especially for a Winger, he probably tracks back a lot and stuff. But the rest of it...those aren't stats of a 30m winger for god's sake. Technical attributes are championship level, mental attributes are **** other than work rate, physical attributes are okay, but nothing too fancy.

You'd think you could do much better for that money. I remember I once got him out of desperation in last minutes of transfer window, and he ended up absolutely ripping **** every time I played him. Now go ahead and explain that, without peaking into GS.
I've bought Florenzi on FM14 and 15 and he was always amazing, I used him as a CM though. One of my favourite FM players for sure. He's at Man City in my Southampton story and doing very well
When talking about attributes to buy a player , are you talking about the attributes for a specific role that are in the game ?? do you look for all the attributes for the whole role ( some of them, a shadow striker for example has up to 17 attributes iirc ) or just the important ones, that are highlighted by the slightly darker colour, people keep talking about systems, i use a downloaded tactic that works great,, how can i find out its system ??