AV.4-5-1_The Matador by Sir.Noom Angthong

Nov 3, 2009
Reaction score
I just comback...again...!!! by AV.4-5-1_The Matador_full_version


>>>>> AV.4-5-1_The Matador <<<<<
The first season.....is.....the first step for every step.....to GREATEST !!!

Excuse me , for a long time I away from my love (FM2012) but...Now , I come back !!!


A first match for Premier League : It's only starting 28 minutes my leicester shoot 4 ball for aston villa Ohhhhh !!!



whistledddddd....No.1 is >>>>


Update 14/10/12 Full Version (AV.4-5-1_The Matador_full_version)

Sir. , Before we load full version AV.4-5-1_The Matador we should see step by step on competition and I attempt modify any a long time before successed on season 2019-20 >>>

Season 2012-13 >>> a first time for premier league No.13 http://www.uppic.org...E3_507A6A3E.jpg
Season 2013-14 >>> No. 10 http://www.uppic.org...34_507A6B34.jpg Man.U. want me http://www.uppic.org...CF_507A6BA5.jpg
Season 2014-15 >>> No. 10 http://www.uppic.org...A1_507A6C51.jpg
Season 2015-16 >>> No. 6 http://www.uppic.org...04_507A6CAD.jpg , Runners-up Carling Cup http://www.uppic.org...FA_507A6EAE.jpg , Winner FA. Cup http://www.uppic.org...09_507A7075.jpg
Season 2016-17 >>> No. 7 http://www.uppic.org...BB_507A6D50.jpg , Winner EUFA. Cup http://www.uppic.org...8F_507A70D4.jpg
Season 2017-18 >>> No. 6 http://www.uppic.org...31_507A6DAE.jpg , Runners-up Carling Cup http://www.uppic.org...DC_507A6F09.jpg
Season 2018-19 >>> No. 5 http://www.uppic.org...D5_507A6E10.jpg , Winner EUFA. Cup http://www.uppic.org...88_507A7125.jpg

And on a time I think its successed 100% for the season 2019-20 !!!
Season 2019-20 >>> Winner Premier League http://www.uppic.org...42_5072DE1B.jpg , Runners-up Carling Cup http://www.uppic.org...65_507A6FC0.jpg , And my style to manage FM. my team must reach target and Rich yehhhh!!!!! http://www.uppic.org...90_507A727E.jpg



Load now AV.4-5-1_The Matador_full_version >>>>>> click >>>>>>>>>

Process to set tactic
1. Load and extract
2. copy AV.4-5-1_The Matador_full_version (Leicester, May 2021).tac to \Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2012\tactics
3. Open game , on Tactics page , Option click >>> Manage Tactics... then Import file AV.4-5-1_The Matador_full_version
4. Click for use this tactic by Starting Tactic >>> select AV.4-5-1_The Matador_full_version
5. Set Match Preparation by apply from file picture JPEG advising (Overview_Match Preparation)
6. After that you only waiting......Champ.....Greatest yehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ^_^

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not to be horrible at all but you have only won the Europa League once in 2018/2019.. you have neither won the EPL which with a promoted team you should do in about 3/4 years after being promoted and at least win the Champions League after 6 :)

as TBH said, there is nothing about the tactic, the results you have had are not out of this world at all, they are actually quite mediocre...

post some of your better match results to get people interested and maybe think about cleaning up the OP as its a bit messy and hard to follow :)

good luck
not to be horrible at all but you have only won the Europa League once in 2018/2019.. you have neither won the EPL which with a promoted team you should do in about 3/4 years after being promoted and at least win the Champions League after 6 :)

as TBH said, there is nothing about the tactic, the results you have had are not out of this world at all, they are actually quite mediocre...

post some of your better match results to get people interested and maybe think about cleaning up the OP as its a bit messy and hard to follow :)

good luck

I told you about in detail , I have sure (complete modify) on that season (2019-2020) any previous season are time i developing. Can you understand this word ? ;)

Below I just test for QPR.(premier first season) by run holiday to finished season 2011-12

http://www.uppic.org/image-9964_507BFBC5.jpgView attachment 278789
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I told you about in detail , I have sure (complete modify) on that season (2019-2020) any previous season are time i developing. Can you understand this word ? ;)

Below I just test for QPR.(premier first season) by run holiday to finished season 2011-12

http://www.uppic.org/image-9964_507BFBC5.jpgView attachment 278789

What me and Raikan meant about " detail" was information about the tactic. What kind of football does it produce, what player roles are used, is it à fluid approach where all the players needs to be able to both defend and attack or is it à rigid style where defenders stick to defending and attackers dont track back, does the tactic use the " corner glitch" etc etc.