Avram Grant putting his shirt on Ghana’s Africa Cup of Nations chances | Jonathan Wil

Jonathan Wilson

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Aug 1, 2010
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Equatorial Guinea fined £65,000 over Africa Cup violenceAs the helicopter descended, Avram Grant glanced up, his face as cadaverous as ever, but seemed emotionless. Whatever he actually felt amid the violence that led to Ghana’s Cup of Nations semi-final against Equatorial Guinea being suspended for almost 40 minutes, his outward appearance was calm. When the smoke grenades cleared, fans were evacuated from two stands of the Estadio de Malabo and the bottles and other missiles were cleared from the pitch, the overriding sense was of the sang-froid with which Ghana had reacted.
This is a team that has, with some justification, been accused of complacency in the past two Cups of Nations. Here, the lack of outward emotion was a positive. “We had a very good training camp in Spain,” said Grant. “We did a lot about mentality – it’s important in sports and in life to recover. This is one of the things I wanted to see with the team,: the mentality. I think this is one of the keys for everything. It’s important also in life to look for solutions when things are going wrong. [The semi-final] showed a lot of strength in very difficult situation; the players showed to people in the country that they can count on them.”
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