Counter is what I use if I am protecting a lead or playing away vs a team I feel might beat me. If I am protecting a lead I will often sub off my DLP and replace him with another BWM. Here the team aims to keep as much of the ball as possible in their own half or center of the pitch while occasionally having the ACMs attempt long through balls for theAF to run onto. If the ACMs aren't getting the ball often enough you can try changing them to AP. I haven't played as many matches with the Counter tactic so its still a work in progress.
This tactic has some unconventional roles (Libero, Defensive wide midfielders ect.) so it might take a while for your team to learn it and for everything to click, but once it does it is definitely worth it. The best players for the WM roles in my experience are Bellarin and Alaba/Bernat. The Libero is a bit more tricky, I have had success retraining Pogba for the role but in my current game I have a 6 foot 5 regen with 19 strength. Most important is to be tall strong andhave good positioning. Other than that you should have no problem figuring out what players should play where.
For opposition instructions its important to close down always on everyone, tight marking on the FBs, WBs, WMs AMR/AML. I also show the FBs and WBs onto their inside foot and the WMs and AMR/AML on their weaker foot.
Welp thats my favorite tactic. Let me know how it works for you!