Name: Akshay Rao
Date of Birth(day/month): 7/3
City of Birth: Manchester
Nation(EU only): England
Languages(max.3): English, Spanish, French
Height(centimetres): 187
Weight(kilograms): 78
Position: ST
Best mental attributes(2)(no determination): Composure, Work Rate
Best physical attributes(2)(no natural fitness): Pace, Strength
Best technical attributes(2): Finishing, First Touch
Strongest foot(right/left): Left
Preferred moves(max.2): Plays with back to goal
Order from high to low(ambition,loyalty,professionalism): Loyalty, Ambition, Professionalism
Favoured clubs(max.2): Man Utd
Disliked clubs(max.2): Man City, Liverpool
Wouldn't it make more sense to have players with 20 loyalty? That way, they'd probably stay at the club throughout.
I'm choosing Man Utd.