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May 22, 2010
Reaction score
What are your experiences with them? I've seen here someone who has managed to get Bendtner scoring 35 goals in 25 games (in the premiership), I asked him to post the attributes but he hasn't got back to me yet. Anyone else had this kind of form from Bendtner? Also Walcott, is he worth keeping? Sorry if this is the wrong section for this.
If you play them both right they both are beasts. And due to their age they only get better.
I've messed around with Walcott's sliders and played him AM R Inside Forward Attack and he bagged 15 goals in 13 all competition appearances with 8 of those goals in the league from 9 league appearances.
I usually play Bendtner as Advanced Forward Attack and have him as the target man to head as a lone striker but when that doesnt work he becomes a target man attack with target man to head on.
bendtner seems to have the goal scoring touch about him for arsenal on my leeds save, 3rd season in 10 in 15 games, 4th season was poor though as he scored 4 in 25 games, but had 6 assist's to his name, always seems to pop up when they are playing the likes of stoke and such and are drawing..
Walcott has got some frightening pace which suits him well on the wings in my 3rd season he has developed really well scoring 12 in 15 games in the Premiere League while I am not that sure of Bednter but he seems to be a good player whenevr i see his stats in my saves
Had 8 goals in 4 games, but now he's calmed down, 11 goals in 10 games now.
Trying bringing Walcott on as a sub. I know my friend who did this, and with his pace and the defenders legs tiring, its a no brainer really. If you do this, when you bring him on go to the Team Instructions, set Walcott as the Target Man - To run onto .. With Fabregas playing the balls though. In my mates save he scored 22 goals in 25 sub apps.
same here mate.....Walcott is class when used as a super-sub
I think for both, especially walcott - you need to have the right training schedule, to improve his finishing and crossing as well as ball control, i play him as inside fwd support because the tactics i use are emulating the real life Arsenal and that seems to fit best, he does OK not great, sort of like real-life, with Bendtner i set him as adv fwd attack on his lonesomes, and leave all the sliders, except long shots rarely and run w/ ball only sometimes - he does pretty well when i play him.
You probably should have posted this in here though:
What Roles and Duties best suit my players?
or here:
Who should I buy/sell:
im doing a season with arsenal and in 10 starts bendtner has scored 6. he seems to always score when i play him...
in my season with arsenal bendtner scored 32 goals in 38 games and in the next season bagged 12 goals in 10 games but i have a super training schedule on him i have seen him pick up the ball from the half way line agaisnt tottenham and scoring he is one of the finest ST on my game but i dont pay much attention to walcott i think i sold him :O:O
Bendtner was an tank for me in my Arsenal save. Target man support ftw :D
bendtner is a beast given the chance. i think it is me who you are talking about in the op. i had him as a complete forward and the only reason he scored that many goals was because my team just had an amazing season, scored 127 goals in the premier league which shows what sort of form they were all in.
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