Best position for Adryan?

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Surftide 99

Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
So I have Adryan, Wellington Nem and Fedrick Midjsto (Norwegian kid with impossible surname).

I usually play Adryan as AP just behind the striker, with Nem and Midjsto as IFs, however Nem does far better at AP and Adryan isn't all that effective (yet). Even Midjsto is better suited for the AP role due to his higher Creativity and Passing.

I was thinking of moving Adryan to CM. But then again i'm not sure if he'll be beast at AP in a couple of seasons.

What do you guys think is the best position for the kid to get the best out of him?
You could always loan him out for a season to develope further, if you don't think he's ready yet!
Oddly enough for me Nem is better as a winger or IF and Adryan is the better AP on average.
I have Wellington Nem and Otavio as my advance playmakers and therefore to compensate for Adryan, I play him as a supporting deep lying playmaker and he does a decent job there. Worth a try yourself, no harm in seeing how he gets on. :)
You could always loan him out for a season to develope further, if you don't think he's ready yet!

Fair enough. But given my lack of decent AP options available, I prefer to keep him haha.
Oddly enough for me Nem is better as a winger or IF and Adryan is the better AP on average.

I've been doing that constantly as well but on the rare occasion I switch Nem to AP, the man goes ape **** 3 out of 5 times and destroys the opposition.
I have Wellington Nem and Otavio as my advance playmakers and therefore to compensate for Adryan, I play him as a supporting deep lying playmaker and he does a decent job there. Worth a try yourself, no harm in seeing how he gets on. :)

Thanks mate, i'm seriously considering that. The only thing is I have Svensson in that position and he is just taken to it like a Fis into water. Boy got injured. Let's how Adryan does.
I have Wellington Nem and Otavio as my advance playmakers and therefore to compensate for Adryan, I play him as a supporting deep lying playmaker and he does a decent job there. Worth a try yourself, no harm in seeing how he gets on. :)
Funny enough, a while ago I also started to employ Adryan in the same position, and it worked for me too.
Thanks mate, i'm seriously considering that. The only thing is I have Svensson in that position and he is just taken to it like a Fis into water. Boy got injured. Let's how Adryan does.

Here is a screenshot of him in my save, season 2018/19. As you can see, he still develops nicely when trained/played as a deep lying playmaker.

View attachment 293776
Play all 3 in amc as inside forwards with an advanced forward :)
Yes.. Like how city play at the start, 2 cm's and 3 amc's and 1 striker
Amazing! What would you suggest the training focus and order of training focus should be?

I had him trained to improve on his mental stats and personality. I have him training as a deep lying playmaker, it is as simple as that. The workload is heavy and like most of my players does not complain. :)
Yes.. Like how city play at the start, 2 cm's and 3 amc's and 1 striker

Just had my first game against city. Valid point. Unfortunately the formation is a bit too flashy for me. I like to exploit the flanks and feel empty on the wings with city's formation lol.

However the lad is getting pretty **** good at the DLP position now!
I would suggest tutoring him as much as you can. With my Everton save, I used Neville to tutor him off the field and his mental stats greatly improved.
When you say you had Neville training him off the field, what would be the differences between him training him off the field and on the field? What do the two situations affect most? Is there an ideal sort of player for each type of tutoring?
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