Best Uni for Football Studies in England


Nov 27, 2008
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Hello all im looking to go over to England to do Football Studies, I want to go on into Football Coaching...

Have saw courses in Southampton, Liverpool etc.

Just wondering, seeing most of you would be from England, and might have experience of this course, could suggest the best place to do this course in terms of facilities, success rate and work experience available.

Are you not from England?? cuz if you are you should look at doing the F.A level 1 course first
if you want to go into Coaching, then you are looking for a Sports Coaching degree. A lot of universities do them. to get into the elite unis for sport, Bath & loughborough your grades are going to have to be high and maybe play a sport at county/semi professional level.

otherwise pretty much any decent university does that sort of degree and are reasonably successful, i would decide on an area of the country you want to come to first before hand.

i am coming to an end of my degree at worcester university which is small in comparison to some but a great uni! Im doing sports studies, and it is a good course, i had plenty of experience opportunities, and those on the sports coaching course had a lot more experience to go out and work, for pay sometimes too! the coaching staff are brilliant as well, a real good laugh!
From listening to what mates have said, and a little bit of knowledge I have, Loughborough and Plymouth Marjon are both excellant for sport. Bath, Gloucestershire and and Worcester are supposed to be good aswell. May off missed some, or got some in wrong order though!
I am from Belfast Northern Ireland, i am coming over to england in 2012, i am currently doing my level 1 football coaching badge, and should have my level 2 before coming over in 2012.

I really want to try and stick to football studies as it is more spefic to what i want to do (football coaching), were as sport studies is more broad in opporunities but i want to be football speific.

Im currently studying BTEC Nation Diploma in Sport (Development, Coaching and Fitness)

All the advice has been great and thanks again.

My girlfriend is currently in Liverpool studying Nursing and when i come over to england in 2012 her dad is buying her a house for her and her flat mates to move into and if i go over there to Liverpool I would have free accommodation which is a huge plus, price ways.

So anyone know anywhere really good for football coaching near or in liverpool
If your studying coaching and are looking for experience, a good idea is to contact the local pro football in the community projects. If you already have level 1 and 2 ib football you may also pick up some paid work to.
Loughborough uni is supposed to be one of the best sports uni's in the world so I would suggest go there :)
sport study

Hi, i'm french and i'm looking for informations about sport study in england (it's to make a presentation).
What should i do to get into these school? what level qualifications must i have?
What do you know about the price? What sports can i do? And Which school have a good reputation?
Thanks a lot!!
how do you pass this subject, take Wimbledon to the perm.... sounds like a bullshit course...