BioWare RPG's.

Aug 1, 2009
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Hey guys, this thread isn't called 'BioWare RPGs'.

This thread is called BioWare RPG's. Discuss games such as Jade Empire, Baldur's Gate, Dragon Age: Origins, KotoR, Mass Effect, Neverwinter Nights etc.

Which one's your favourite?
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I loved KotoR and both Mass Effects games, in my opinion and i'm sure most peoples Bioware are legends.
Personally, i've got to say Baldur's Gate ii was best. The scope of it blew everything out of the water; only game that's come close was Morrowind.

Their newer games seem far too linear and not as free, somehow.
As work is killing all my gaming time :'( I have only played Dragon age origins. Was a great game the fact you could bonk your way through your group made it all that much better lol, Altho ive been told you can do this on Mass Effect aswell.

After Final Fantasy 13 im going to work my way through the Fallout Series and Mass Effect one and two and prob Fable 2 aswell ohh and Lost Oddesey Guess i have my gaming year lined up already :|

Really need to quit my sucky *** job and just play Games all day, Bioware Final Product game tester may be the best job in the world.
As work is killing all my gaming time :'( I have only played Dragon age origins. Was a great game the fact you could bonk your way through your group made it all that much better lol, Altho ive been told you can do this on Mass Effect aswell.

After Final Fantasy 13 im going to work my way through the Fallout Series and Mass Effect one and two and prob Fable 2 aswell ohh and Lost Oddesey Guess i have my gaming year lined up already :|

Really need to quit my sucky *** job and just play Games all day, Bioware Final Product game tester may be the best job in the world.

Fable 2 isn't worth the money; it's so easy it's not even amusing. it's like the Sims. With swords.

Good luck with the Fallout games, they're ancient but good.

Dragon Age was amusing, though needed to play it on nightmare to make it tough.
I've played NWN 1 & 2, Baldur's Gate, KoToR 1 & 2, Mass Effect 1 & 2 and Dragon Age: Origins. I'm also going to be playing their upcoming MMORPG: Star Wars: The Old Republic.

I didn't think too much of DA. I was impressed at first, but I lost interest in it after a while and I only completed it recently despite buying the game a while ago. Completed all the others as well, with multiple play-throughs of KoToR especially. Loved Baldur's Gate as well, thought it was brilliant despite playing it long after its release.
Yeah i don't mind the older games was playing through FF8 while iw as ill recently lol.

I did start a DAO game on nightmare after my first run through got abit bored tbh the other origins don't differ enough for me to keep me interest, Will buy the new expension tho just to follow the story which was quite good imo.

Another game i wanna play is Boarderlands ? (sp) cant even remeber it right FPS/ RPG wanted to run through that on co-op with a few mates sometime soon.

Back to topic and Bioware games, I only played one BouldersGate and that was on the PS2 didnt get a pc until i was 17 so 2003/2004 lol was a great game until the ending when it told me to tune in next time for the continuation of the game, Safe to say the next PS2 released Baulders gate game had **** all to do with the other Booooo bad Bioware.
I am in :wub: with Mass Effect, Was sceptical because i really hated Fallout 3 but WOW!!

If anyone knows of any similar or better rpg's then fire away.
I am in :wub: with Mass Effect, Was sceptical because i really hated Fallout 3 but WOW!!

If anyone knows of any similar or better rpg's then fire away.

I can't believe you hated Fallout 3. :O
Mass Effect series, Dragon Age and Jade Empire are probably some of thebest games made in the past 10 years, they're amazing! Still I like Bethesda's Elder Scroll's series a tad bit more as they more free choice than Biowares games, I liked Fallout 3 by Bethesda but its well overrated its **** compared to Oblivion though. I'm desperate for the new Final Fantasy, but Battlefield BC 2 is out and Read Dead Redemption, Just Cause 2 and Splinter Cell Conviction are out soon and I don't know how to pay for them.

Kris since your The John Terry of FM Base that doesn't mean your gonna **** me cause I'm scared XD XD XD
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Long Story, Best not to ask. I was very Naughty (6)
I liked Fallout 3 (on PC) but might buy Mass Effect soon for xbox 360.

& Kris was a naughty boy indeed :p